Etfled – Runner boy from the Flotsam and Jetsam. Seems to be Kilmar’s replacement, and similarly in awe of The…

Etfled – Runner boy from the Flotsam and Jetsam. Seems to be Kilmar’s replacement, and similarly in awe of The Starchy/Baldric’s Boys.

Boscelin – Shady Hedge-Wizard who lives near Midmark’s harbour. Rumoured to occasionally supply local gangs with spells. Currently looking for adventurers to hunt down a number of summoned beasts he lost when trying to procure components for a special cloak. Tied in with the rumours of leopard-like creatures attacking outlying villages, it is likely he is responsible for the occurence.

Wigging – Harbour Master at Vargan.

Malik – Bargeman’s Guild member and coordinator at Vargan’s West Harbour.

Originally shared by John Carlson

Originally shared by John Carlson

The party has traveled up the Khelwater River, from the swampy lowlands around Vargen to the mountainous jungle, arriving finally at the landing where the road up to Xen’Khel begins. After dispatching a rampaging elephant and selling its carcass to merchants sharing their campsite, the group prepares for the trek up into the Mikhel Peaks to the site of the ruined dwarven city. Will they reach their goal? The road is a feat of ancient engineering, smooth with generous switchbacks to ease the incline, but dangerous jungle and mountains still hem it in closely as it climbs … this is wild land and anything can happen even to the last mile of the journey.


Book-keeping Notes, Session 54 (4/28/15):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 54 (4/28/15):

– The session ended in the pre-dawn hours of the 19th of Anurilden; the party is camped beside the river landing at the base of the road to Xen’Khel

– Deaths: An old man in monk’s garb; an elephant

– Knocked Unconscious: Fang (Belroar’s dog)

= Belroar has been feeding the group with meat (bird & reptile) from the animals he has killed while hunting prior to joining the group, so no need to mark off rations.


Treasure Gained (Session 54, 4/29/15):

Treasure Gained (Session 54, 4/29/15):

1. Two Ivory Tusks (150lbs Each)

2. 55GP Payment for the elephant carcass

3. Silver ring engraved with the letter “R” from floating corpse

Total GP Gained: 55

PC Shares: 8GP (3GP left over)

PC XP Share: 7XP

Brice’s Shares: 4GP; 3XP


Session 53 – April 22, 2015

Session 53 – April 22, 2015

Araquiel – Name of second idol of devil fish we have encountered. Smashed by Brice.

Donnette Otter – Halfling apothecary near Desric’s in Midmark.

Lord Tevric – Newly elected Lord Mayor of Midmark.

Henry and Honora Wystow – Em’s parents 

Session 53 – April 22, 2015

Session 53 – April 22, 2015

I write more frequently in this journal than I have for many weeks. There is much on my mind.

This stupid idol bugs me. How can I destroy it without hurting Axel, or our friendship? I didn’t like going along with that first devil fish and 

that idol.

Axel seems to be acting strangely. Is it just the hope of treasure, or has it taken over his mind? Why does no one else but Brice have an opinion 

about it? 

I have a feeling that I need to keep my thoughts to myself.

[We learned as players observing Axel’s interaction with the idol that it could not see Brice and could only partially see Thorfus and that it 

was worried what might become of it. The idol told Axel that Xwn’Teler is more evil than the idol. Which Axel did not share with the rest of the 


We decided to go to Midmark where we hoped to get a better price for our loot from the dungeon. The fellows from Midmark who trained us and 

advised us on our progress in clearing the evil from under the fort were now able to return to Midmark. I rode with them aboard the Bitter Horse, 

as I did not want to be anywhere near that idol. Brice does not appreciate Chuq’s comments, so she road with Axel aboard the Bawdy Bachelor.

I am sure it is all my mother’s talk when I was young that I should become a cleric, like her brother. That and all the anticipation of finally 

being able to get to Xen’Khe, that I am having dreams of Xen’Teler. I dreamt that the ship stopped and I ran to the deck and it was a clear, 

starry night and the ship was surrounded by fields. This time, in my dream, the image of Brice with the dark star filled eyes stood in for 

Xen’Teler. I was commanded to destroy the idol. 

Xen’Teler told me that the idol is actually an avatar of an evil god and that I should smash and scatter its stone. He then said to bring the key 

to Xen’Khel to find me. I had many questions, but was told that I will find answers in Xen’Khel, such as where the ancient dwarves went.

“Brice” left and I could not wake up. I turned around and saw that blasted idol! I finally found a belaying pin and smashed it, and then I awoke. 

This is all so confusing! Was I to smash the idol in my dreams? Was I to smash the real idol? It doesn’t matter now, Brice managed to get the 

idol from Axel and smash it to bits. 

[Thorfus has not shared details of his dream with anyone, and only the briefest of generalizations with a cleric from the Brotherhood of the 

World Forge, who said it was unlikely that a god spoke to me. Perhaps it just means I need to be more attentive to my religion. Thorfus was not 

satisfied with that answer.]

We traveled about the town and sold many things to Aldus and learned about the tapestries and books. 

We sold the gems and jewelry to the jeweler across from Aldus. We had a nice haul.

We stopped by Thornton’s and asked about the animal heads and the new captain of the Grey Cloaks, Perrette, said he thought for sure Thornton 

would want them, but would let us know tomorrow.

We stocked up on supplies, chain mail for our hirelings. I bought ten shields, they seem to get broken far too easily.

Desric was disappointed that we were back in town. That foolish wizard has a death wish, getting zapped by Desric’s contraption.

The tavern was quite hectic when we returned, there was word that Talon and a young woman had made it to Merchant’s Haven and were now at the 

Lord Mayor’s. We rushed out to the lord mayor’s hoping against hope that the young woman was Em. 

The impudent guards we not willing to let us enter, until I relied on my regal heritage, the mere mention of my name and my association with that gem from Baldric’s crown got their attention. They’ll remember me next time!

We were able to see them, and it was indeed Talon and Em! The poor girl’s spirit is almost broken! She is with child and there is a chance that it belongs to that vile nephew of Grell’s. If I ever see that sorry excuse for a human, he won’t like it! I can’t believe that I thought it was that Judge Grell who hired men to kill us. Unless that nephew of his was in league with the empire plot with the wizard….

We then went to Em’s parents to tell them that we finally had good news and had Em. Her poor mother fainted at the excitement, but Uthruk managed to revive her.

to revive her. I left them a pouch with some gold, hopefully it helps.

The next day, Talon showed up and asked to join us. We welcomed him back to the group.

We have to outfit Talon and before we sail, I plan to purchase that magic box with one charge for my sword from Desric, in case we find a way of charging such things in Xen’Khel.

Rumors overheard in Midmark (Session 53, 4/22/15)

Rumors overheard in Midmark (Session 53, 4/22/15)

The Cock & Bull Inn is very crowded after Thorfus lets slip that Talon might be visiting. While somewhat annoying, this also means that the party is able to overhear quite a few rumors about recent events in the city and surrounding areas. Here are some highlights:

– Newton has been utterly destroyed and the Church of the Ark has been unable to do anything about it – in fact, the recent and sudden retirement of Patriarch Galen has paralyzed the institution in Vargen and Midmark has been slow to respond after the last failed mission. The Brotherhood of the World Forge and Temple of Merendur are planning a joint mission before the end of the month, though. Chuq actually catches a glimpse of a depressed paladin half-heartedly training in the cathedral yard who Master Dain identifies as Galron, the only survivor of the last mission sent to rescue the town.

– Arden Grell’s estate, which has been abandoned for months (he was living in temporary apartments) is still rumored to be haunted. There were no reasonable offers on the property when the city put it up for auction after the judge’s suicide.

– A mage living near the harbor has put out word that he needs adventurers to find some rare components for his research. Interested parties should seek Boscelin Boscastle near the Flotsam & Jetsam Tavern.

– An old back-country explorer has been making the rounds of the Outlander distict’s taverns claiming that the last imperial governor secreted a large amount of gold somewhere in the Mikhelwode in the last days of the rebellion. He says that, for a price, he will share a map he’s recovered.

– Although details are hard to come by, there seems to be some kind of gang war going on between Cutter’s Mad-dogs and some new gang in Midmark. The new group is offering a cheaper alternative to the Mad-dogs’ infamous drug, Dog-froth.

– Sailors returning to Midmark report that Devil Fish have been spotted in the Vargen’s harbor and upriver on the Khelwater – something never heard of before now. Some fishermen in that other city claim to have seen three wingless dragons burst from the river and fly off towards the Mikhel Peaks (northwest) a few weeks ago and just prior to these sightings.

– Other news from Vargen: refugees have arrived from the small town of Seahill, south of Newton and Dowton. Apparently, their town has attracted the attention of some Ogres and goblins (wandering down from the Mikhel Peaks) who have destroyed the settlement. Messengers have been sent to Xenilum’Khel about the issue, although it’s not clear how much help will be forthcoming since the village is predominantly human. Furthermore, there are fainter rumors that the village of Scalle even further to the south of Vargen has come under assault.

– Travelers have been disappearing on the roads south of Midmark (between the city and village of Goldthistle). In fact, during the party’s stay, an abandoned cart full of produce on its way to market is found on the side of the road. As previously, no sign of the missing either alive or dead.

– A family was murdered in the village of Southside, just southeast of Midmark. Both parents and three children were ripped apart in their home — this after a month of attacks on livestock in the village. Locals who witnessed some of the previous attacks believe that a pack of jaguars is to blame.

– Seabreeze, on the coast south of Midmark and home to many vacation residences for the city’s elite, is offering a bounty for Atomie scalps. Atomies are sprites known for mischief and Seabreeze seems to have an infestation.

– Due east of Midmark, near the village of Kortham, animals have been turning to stone. It looks like the problem is centered on the old imperial fort of Sarthanem, but the locals are not equiped to deal with it and have appealed to the Midmark militia for help.

– Uncivilized islanders from Magwater Fen (northeast of Midmark) have been raiding nearby farms, although no deaths have been reported. This tribe seems newly arrived from deeper in the jungle.

– Walleham, just outside Midmark to the east, has lost some livestock to a wyvern raiding from Magwater Fen. The village has also had a rash of disappearances — babies stolen from homes.

– Something or someone is setting fires in Magwater Fen. An adventuring company, Archer’s Irregulars, went out and killed a Pyrolisk for the reward. Some homesteaders on the fen’s borders say that didn’t solve the problem, though.

Highlights from Talon’s Tall Tales (Session 53, 4/22/15)

Highlights from Talon’s Tall Tales (Session 53, 4/22/15)

After Talon rejoins the group, he spends the next couple of days while Uthruk and Chuq are training hanging around the townhouse. He doesn’t go over to the Cock & Bull Inn and is generally quieter than before his captivity, but here and there he reverts to his old form and tells tales of his exploits (new and old) to the party — basking a bit in the awe of the other hirelings. Here are some interesting tid-bits that come up during these stories:

– The exact details of how he chased the su-monsters away from Em tend to be in flux from one telling to the next

– It sounds like he and Em spent the largest chunk of their time in the jungle among the islander tribe fleeing the Dark King

– Grimtooth is waging a war on two fronts against the Black Paw and his allies and the Dark King; it is going poorly and she is losing ground

– Em was despondent when he found her and several times just laid down in the jungle and asked Talon to leave her; he begged, pleaded, cajoled, and used the story of his time with Grimtooth to keep Em from giving up completely (he clearly feels protective of her, but not too hopeful)

– Em has always insisted that Aubrey Grotecop is her child’s father, but Talon has pieced together what Alaine Grell did and thinks the issue of paternity is less clear (and also thinks Em knows this)

– Em told him about the attack on the mining camp; she said that the attackers were well-armed dwarves led by a ‘metal-man’ (a dwarf in some kind of heavy armor)

– According to the islander tribe that almost betrayed Talon and Em, the Dark Lord is an islander warrior-king who wears a shining crown and plans to conquer the coastal villages and city-states. He was willing to bargain with the islander tribe for Talon and Em because he wanted information on those settlements.

Treasure Gained (Session 53, 4/22/15):

Treasure Gained (Session 53, 4/22/15):

Nothing new was gained, but the party sold a number of items:

1. Tapestries, Binding, Banners, model ship (to Aldus Runnelbrook): 6,300GP

2. Chatelaine, Hair Pin, Black Pearl, Ivory Amulet & Chain, Plat. Navigation tools (to Almear Truletter’s shop): 3,750GP

3. Stuffed Heads (to Lord Thornton): 600GP

Total GP Gained: 10,650

PC Shares (GP & XP): 1,936

Brice’s Shares: 968


Book-keeping Notes, Session 53 (4/22/15):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 53 (4/22/15):

– Uthruk and Chuq will finish their training/study on the 15th of Anurilden; the party can leave Midmark that evening or on the 16th.

– Deaths: Devil Fish Ancestor

– Rebirths: Talon and Em Wystow

– Near-Deaths: Honora Wystow, Finklemur
