Psionics Summary Document

Psionics Summary Document

Here’s a first crack at summarizing the psionics rules from 1E, including copies of the relevant tables. I will continue to update this throughout the week and we can make the necessary rolls at the beginning of next session for the newly endowed characters.

Reminder: Things to Know about Vargen

Reminder: Things to Know about Vargen

Just a reminder about this reminder document. It doesn’t include the trouble/adventures during the party’s most recent visit (i.e., exploding ships, assassination attempts).

Update to House Rules Document

Update to House Rules Document

I have done my semi-annual update to the house rules document. The revised document is available on the Google Drive. Here are the highlights of the changes:

– During surprise, the acting party can attack once for each segment (rationale: the original rules make surprise more important; I like that now)

– Charges must be straight at targeted enemy (rationale: momentum provides bonus; also, change forces smarter play in terms of movement during combat)

– Grappling rules altered to differentiate classes via # of d6s (rationale: melee-focused classes should be better at grappling than others)

– Grappling rules altered so that dual/multi-class characters add all d6s (rationale: these characters divide their XP already, so they shouldn’t divide the class benefits)

– Attack options (aggressive, etc.) only available to fighter classes (melee weapons) and monks (unarmed) (rationale: melee-focused classes should have a monopoly on melee-focused abilities)

– Added stats for merchant ship (inventory slots, speed)

– Updated spell component price list based on Edan’s known spells

Imperial Dervish (Custom Class)

Imperial Dervish (Custom Class)

Attached is the write-up for the dervish class; this includes requirements, perks, and restrictions. There may be a bit of meta knowledge gained through reading this file, but the party is familiar with most of these facts via first-hand experience.

Please note: any PCs wishing to dual class as dervishes must find a suitable trainer (i.e., a higher-ranking dervish) and complete one week of free training. This will make them a first level dervish.

Submersible Controls

Submersible Controls


1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

1-Up/Left 2-Up/Right

3-Straight Left 4-Straight Right

5-Down/Left 6-Down/Left

7-Straight Up 8-Straight Down

9-Spins to Left 10-Spins to Right

Rule Clarification: Monk Unarmed Underwater

Rule Clarification: Monk Unarmed Underwater

With the identification of the Cloak of the Manta Ray, this will become an issue very shortly. Here is the ruling, followed by the rationale:

– Monks only can attempt unarmed strikes underwater, although they will suffer all the other usual underwater combat penalties, including those regarding initiative and weapon restrictions (DMG 56). However, they cannot use their special striking abilities (stun, instant death, etc.).

Rationale: Generally, punches are worthless underwater. Monks, though, tap into uncanny forces when making their unarmed strikes. Above the waves, this translates into stunning and killing blows; underwater, it just means the strikes land and do damage despite the water resistance.


New Hirelings, Session 109 (5/18/16)

New Hirelings, Session 109 (5/18/16)

Attached is a text document with the fifteen new hirelings that joined the party at the end of last session. I will also be creating minimal Roll20 character sheets with tokens.