SESSION 52 – November 04, 2018

SESSION 52 – November 04, 2018

Zho Ni and his clerical posse arrive at the Urdjan Academy and are admitted in the walls. Zho Ni sees Otiben in the training yard and announces he is there to arrest Otiben before he speaks to Master Andros.

Andros and Urman come down and Andros stands between Zho Ni and Otiben and attempts to talk to Zho Ni, and Zho Ni focuses on his title and declares that he has been slighted. Zho Ni also refers to Otiben as the creature. Zho Ni says he will wait outside the walls until three days later when our training is over.

At the end of training is the end of the week, for a regular feast. Andros invites Zho Ni and party in to partake. Zho Ni castigates the clerics accompanying him for ignoring the slight to his person/station. He releases Embrek from service, but Embrek sticks out the camping. Jack the new hero worshipper of Zho Ni sticks with Zho Ni.

The next morning, Urman wakes Otiben and Batukhan and urges them to leave before sunup and as they ride by, Urman yells at Zho Ni – “Hey aren’t you coming?”

Zho Ni and companions yell at us to stop, but we ride on. Otiben challenges Batukhan to a race and they rush off. We finally camp for the night, and Zho Ni and company ride past us through the night to prepare a welcome for us in Mannheim.

When Urman, Otiben, adn Batukhan arrive at Mannheim, a force of guards stand before us and tell us we can’t see the Thane without surrendering our weapons. Uram proclaims that he will not surrender his weapons here, but will do so the the guards at the Thane’s residence. We are escorted to the Thane.

We left off standing before the Thane’s residence.

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