Rahm Benisaeko​, WickedWayz !​, Follow Me, And Die!​, Alessandro Bertolucci​: unfortunately, I need to cancel…

Rahm Benisaeko​, WickedWayz !​, Follow Me, And Die!​, Alessandro Bertolucci​: unfortunately, I need to cancel tonight’s game. My wife is fine now — she was released from the hospital at 4pm, but I am still running around getting prescriptions and the like and am utterly exhausted. I will update the invite to next week. Again, I am sorry to cancel like this.

Session 152,15th Masrilden

Session 152,15th Masrilden

Facing consequences

The party Gathered food supplies and gear for the journey.

it was decided that our best course of action was to go retrive the last of the dragon

Blood ,from Jarden, i hope he helps us out.

As we set off we head out of Jaggers compound following the illusionists path. out of

the South Gate and cresting the mountains peak. Thorfus, scans the horizon with the

spy glass ahead of us. and it looks all clear. it has not yet rained today but dud last


so early morning we head south along the Path to the docks.

the day went without incidence. Although we did notice boot tracks heading off the

path into the jungle, we decide not to follow. a nother hour down the trail we came

upon a bloody scene.

We approach with caution. Chuq taking the lead. as we approach we see a spider

gorilla with its throat cut, and a human bloodied and naked. but he is still breathing.

chuq and Ronin get close to check it out. to be safe Ronin hands Chuq the Elven

rope and Chuq loops one end around the humans feet. Ronin take the other end.

Then Chuq wakes the human man. as the man wakes he seems confused.

asking where he is and what happened. After some questions the man reveals

his name is Harb Bomin, a local hunter that is from a village near the lizard people.

he tells us he came up river to hunt some Game. the last thing he remembers was docking his canoe. at a burned out village down river about an hour. then he was woken by us here.

Ronin and Edan don’t trust this. but Chuq continues his conversation. gives Harb his Extra Clothes and a Dagger. the man being a hunter cant pass up poncing the beast of a gorilla. filling his pockets with the meat.

we decide to let him travel with us back down to the dock. and chuq Even hired the Guy.

Getting dark we decide to make camp. Thorfus deploys his Khel. and we sleep through the night. Just before dawn Chuq gets this uneasy feeling something is watching.

The sun rises and that feeling is washed away with singing birds and wind blowing through the trees.

We break Camp and keep heading south to the docks,but before we get there Harb notices more tracks heading east off the trail. a large cat and more Boot prints. we decide to just keep going. just a few more hours and we

are at Jaggers docks.

Harb notices there no boat and wonders how we will get back down river.

We proceed past the buildings and the docks and back into the jungle to where we hid the barge.

Harb checks for spiders and wonders how we will get the barge off the rocks and into the river.

Edan take the helm, and lifts the barge and Harb is surprised but at the same time thinks we are strange anyways.

we head down the river twards vargan, we make pur way to the burned out village Harb last remembers making camp at.

we find his canoe, and head into the village to check for his things. dead rotting

bodies of villagers lay about the village, mostly woman and children.

Ronin checks the hut Harb made camp in and notices claw marks and a huge hole in the back wall.

We head out. loading Harbs Canoe onto the barge and we head down river.

it take most of the day to get to the point where the two river combine. as its getting dark we decide to continue on. everyone with dark vision is on the look out.dodging rocks and logs. The dawn breaks and we see a dam of logs and

branches ahead on the west dide of the river. through the looking glass. Thorfus

notices a number of dead lizard men.

as we get closer we see stirring in the water. Chuq calls out Alligators!

so being board. Ronin and Chuq decide to take a few pot shots at the aligators. Both shooting wide. then out of nowhere the Barge hits something. but then we realize that something hit the Barge. We see a Huge Tail off the back of the boat a BAM.

were hit again.we can feel the barge start to come apart.

then we see it a giant alligator 30 feel long has attacked the Barge.

Chuq looks at Ronin and yells The Net!. Ronin pulling the magic water net out of his pack and dives overboard. chuq soon follows.

and in seconds we are face to face wit this monstrosity.

it goes after Chuq but missed. Ronin seeing his opportunity throws the Net.

the net seems to magically wrap itself around the alligators head.

Chuq swims behind it. as edan Lifts the barge out of the water to the west bank,

Then Ronin swims up and swings his battle Axe. and misses.

the Alligator tries to grapple Ronin but Ronin is too quick. Then Chuq from behind. slams his long sword into the back of the creature. heavily damaging it.

Ronin notices some movement behind him, but decides we need to finish the big one off first, He swings and he misses……

Edan noticing the damage chuq did and Ronin Missing, he casts Magick missle on the huge creature. with a flick of the wrist. edan Kills the creature. exclaiming. takes a wizard to do a fighters job…..

Ronin releases the net and is then attacked from behind by a Smaller alligator. but it misses. as it swims past Ronin throws the ned entangling the beast. Ronin then take the east kill and dispatches the Smaller alligator.

Thorfus Takes out and commands the Monkey to Start repairing the Barge. the Monkey

assesses the situation and is eager to get to work but there is nothing to fix it with.

Edan lands the barge in a swampy area, and the hirelings get to work gathering

wood. Ronin decides that huge alligator has to be worth more than just XP. he dives to the bottom of the river attaches the elvin rope to it. and swims up .

Thorfus throws him a line and pulls him in.the rest of the crew helps pull the huge beast ashore. Harb Goes to work skinning it and cutting up the meat.

We have some aligator steaks for dinnerthe party manages to fix the Barge as best they can.

Amillia decides to stay with the group and go to Midmark, where Canis was last seen.

We making to the mouth of the bay. and edan Lifts the barge up as high as it can go and Punches forward Toward Midmark.

We make it to Midmark at nightfall.

The Party see fires and torches lighting up the harbor. and then notices the roof of the

Arch Cathedral has collapsed.

the Barge is pulled into a dock and the ship master does his thing askes the

questions and then questions Thorfus of where we came from.

some place Ronin never heard of.

Silver is exchanges and papers signed. and we are directed to the island dock in the middle of the bay for repairs.

Ronin gets off the Barge. finds two trees Hangs his hammock. and sleeps until


Book-keeping Notes, Session 152 (4/16/17)

Book-keeping Notes, Session 152 (4/16/17)

– We will continue at 5AM on the 18th of Masrilden with the party slipping the barge into its berth on Midmark’s floating island. The plan is to get the boat repaired, get a vial of blood from Jarden, and get out of town.

– Crocodile Hunter: Chuq (Also not a fan of Rays; coincidence?)

– Crocodile Snarer: Ronan, Using a Net and Antagonzing Wildlife (Watch out for Boobries!)

– Had his Revenge for the Barge Damage: Edan, Cool-Handed Missile-Slinger

– Possibly a Prank-Loving Dwarf-Angel?: Thorfus the Enlightened

– Reminding Everyone to Save the World: Axel the Unfazed

– Gobsmacked by the Party’s Weirdness: Naked Jungle Guy (aka Harb Bomin)

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock:!


Hi guys, thanks for the concern and messages, I’m all good.

Hi guys, thanks for the concern and messages, I’m all good.

The main reason is the internet situation. BT saw fit to remove the hotspot for some reason, either that or the hub it was bouncing off of got relocated out of reach. Only connection I can reach right now is the one intended for the pub’s credit card machine, which is unusable for obvious reasons.

Apologies it took so long to reply in general though. My new job has started which means full days of training, and I’m still working at the pub, so yeah, very busy. Also, my girlfriend has moved in with me, so I’ve been sorting that out, and she and the family are getting what free time I do have.

So, probably going to have to step away from the game officially for now, but not forever. Should be getting my own internet connection around end of May, and things should settle down enough that I’ll return early June. Will endeavour to keep you all posted on that, and keep up with summaries and events from the campaign.

Until we speak again, happy gaming!

#151 : Crossroads (April 12, 2017)

#151 : Crossroads (April 12, 2017)

Journal Entry – 6th of Maz’Relden

What a week!

Last week while Ronan, Chuq and Thorfus trained with Ericus, after their ill-advised alterations, I trained with the imperial wizard Allison.

(Margin note: Ericus’ training is quite brutal and without finesse – but seemed to do wonders with my companion’s ability to pummel an opponent aggressively)

It was a rough start, obviously she didn’t like me, but gradually she grew to tolerate and (gasp!) even grudgingly respect me. She even admitted that, “I’m ok for a half-elf.” She even offered to help me challenge her former school just for the laughs. Tempting, but business first.

With some gentle probing, I discovered that she worked with Grell for some time out of Angmar’s Folly and didn’t seem to know that there was more to that place beneath her feet. Coupled with Jardin’s lack of knowledge about the imperial findings there (glass-steel) I think that there may be large gaps or forgotten discoveries even amoung the Imperials.

Oh – speaking of folly – Ronan’s self-mutilation has resulted in his gaining some disturbing if not interesting abilities: he can polymorph himself into a seemingly random creature for a random amount of time, has somewhat scaly skin and can now spit acid, similar to the Thesselhydra we defeated.

(Margin Note: I should review the bioforge cube when I get a chance, I may have to reverse these in the future)

Early this week we had a meeting to decide our next move – recent events have put us at a crossroads:

a. Get parts from the skiff & rebuild a monkey

b. Go in search of the cloning machine

c. Return to Glavnone for Kalgunn

d. Return to Midmark and retrieve Jardin’s blood

e. Return to Mariantaxis and give him one of my portals

f. Check in on Thorfus’ mother – seems she may be in trouble

g. Return Emelia to Vargen and Canis

Between us we decided that the best course of action is to rebuild one of our mechanical helpers (while I secretly train with Wymark) then travel back to Vargen (Emilia wishes to return home) and Midmark to collect some blood from Jardin – and witness the mess we left in our wake after discovering what Sarathos has done. I fear the worst.

(Margin note: I should return invisibly – Marchmain and Admiral Sakandor are likely still interested in me)

While I trained with Allison, my companions returned to the skiff to collect the monkey parts and some other gear, taking one of my miniature portals for some testing. They arrived without incident, but found the barn door open, yet our skiff was undisturbed. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy as our skiff was adopted by some venomous spiders that nearly dispatched poor Chuck while the others began passing gear through the portal. Lucky for Chuck they pushed him through the portal allowing Lambertus to slow the poison while we scrambled for a cure. Luckily, Jagger sold us one.

Later that evening the gang returned and Ronan and I went to see Jagger – he to sell spiders I’m sure Jagger had many of and I to look at the library again – but really to speak with Wymark to see if he would train me.

As I referred to earlier, I reached out to Wymark last week to confirm his guild memembership based on Allison’s jab at him (and me) over dinner. It seems that Wymark is no friend of the Haberdashers, he alluded to the Hangmen and being a Follower of the Shadow… as only an “associate” of the Haberdashers I had no vested interest in taking him out. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I can ill-afford losing anymore time so I convinced Wymark I wasn’t here to kill him and that this was a strict business transaction. That out of the way my training began. His technique confirmed that he’s more a man of thuggery and murder than those I’ve trained with before. Though not as refined as those of my cousins – still very effective.

My final exam was interesting, breaking into the tower, but unfortunately in my haste I failed to notice a magical trap that caused Jagger’s singing statues to sound the alarm. I received a token from him, said I could use it to convince other followers to at least listen to me. Not sure how the Haberdashers would take the news – but frankly I don’t care there are bigger stakes – Aunt Fel would approve I think – then again I don’t think she held either group in high esteem.

My training with him was all business, but I managed to discover Finklemur is definitely under the Dark King’s control – that Jagger is afraid of the Dark King (DK threatened to destroy the tower). Also Marchmain wasn’t liked by him, but he supplied Jagger with the information required to use the bioforge – including the cubes – and he also supplied slaves to power the machine.

Book-keeping Notes, Session 151 (4/12/17)

Book-keeping Notes, Session 151 (4/12/17)

– We will pick up the game at 6AM on the 15th of Masrilden, the day after Edan has completed his training with Wymark. The party is still at Jagger’s tower and plans to travel downriver with the goal of reaching Midmark.

– Learning from his Enemies: Edan, Student to Imperials and Cultists

– Developing arachnophobia?: Chuq of the Unlucky Rolls

– Good Thing he Doesn’t have Allergies: Ronan the Mutable

– Out for (Dragon) Blood: Thorfus, Would-be World Savior

– Still Thinking about BioForging: Axel the Very Contemplative

– Hero of the Entire Campaign (in his Opinion): Lambertus, Poison-Stopper

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock:!


Book-keeping Notes, Session 150 (4/5/17)

Book-keeping Notes, Session 150 (4/5/17)

– We will briefly summarize the recovery/training week at Jagger’s tower next time, picking up the game afterwards at 6PM on the 6th of Masrilden just after that is completed.

– More Monster than Man?: Ronan Scalehide Dragonblood

– As Strong as his Estranged Ancestor?: Thorfus (now truly) Ironhand

– Better at Murder than Meditating Anyway: Chuq the Fallen Monk

– Missing his Pointy Friend, Increasing his Pure Energy: Edan, Imperial Student

– Seeming Very Distant: Axel the Thoughfully Quiet

– Vividly Imagined her own Demise: Emilia Mallory, Ready for Canis

– Inspired to Create his Magnum Opus: Garthrite of the Barada’Khel Players

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock:!
