Hi guys, thanks for the concern and messages, I’m all good.

Hi guys, thanks for the concern and messages, I’m all good.

The main reason is the internet situation. BT saw fit to remove the hotspot for some reason, either that or the hub it was bouncing off of got relocated out of reach. Only connection I can reach right now is the one intended for the pub’s credit card machine, which is unusable for obvious reasons.

Apologies it took so long to reply in general though. My new job has started which means full days of training, and I’m still working at the pub, so yeah, very busy. Also, my girlfriend has moved in with me, so I’ve been sorting that out, and she and the family are getting what free time I do have.

So, probably going to have to step away from the game officially for now, but not forever. Should be getting my own internet connection around end of May, and things should settle down enough that I’ll return early June. Will endeavour to keep you all posted on that, and keep up with summaries and events from the campaign.

Until we speak again, happy gaming!

0 Replies to “Hi guys, thanks for the concern and messages, I’m all good.”

  1. Antony Nicklin You need to do a percentile (System shock to avoid death) and a Death Save (or lose 2 points Cha from scarring). No rush on rolling them — although I suppose the system shock is a bit important.

  2. Kept it to myself while we were musing over your fate last night but strongly felt the only thing that would keep you away for so long was a women. Glad my instincts were right for a change. Looking forward to role playing together again some day. Will shoot down some A-Wings in you name next weekend, Anthony. Like Patrick said!

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