Treasure Gained, Session 166 (8/30/17):

Treasure Gained, Session 166 (8/30/17):

– 2 hand crossbows & 20 Bolts: 1000XP

– 1 Fine Long Sword (Drow Leader): 1500XP

– 1 Fine Short Sword (Drow Leader) : 1500XP

– 1 Excellent Set of Adamantine Armor: 2000XP

– 7 Shadow Elf Cloaks: 7000XP

– 7 Pairs of Shadow Elf Boots: 7000XP

– Assorted Gear (Scavenged by Gnomes): 500XP

Total XP Award: 20,500

# of PCs: 6

Player XP Awards: 3,417XP


Bookkeeping Notes, Session 166 (8/30/17):

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 166 (8/30/17):

– We will continue at 8AM on the 24th of Masrilden with the party having rested for a while in the gnome outpost in preparation for their quest to recover eggs from the “cursed beetle men.”

– Driving Away the Shadow Elves with Light: Amodeous, who’s Probably Lucky the Gnome Leader didn’t Survive after the Botched Charm Spell

– Tenderizing Drow with his Giant Iron Friend: Thorfus, the Mech Master

– Lost in the Great Dark (Again): Axel, Now Wide Awake and Hitting Hard

– Serial Victim of Fear and Sleep Effects: Nash Bura, Cleverly Avoiding Confusion via Unconsciousness

– Came in Like a Lion, then Wandered around Like a Lost Lamb: Bavmorda, who Totally isn’t Stalking Nash — they Just Like Hanging Out in the Same Underdarks

– Managed to Not Get Sick on His Best Hat: Edan, Now with a Bald Spot to Cover with Said Clean Hat

– Calculating the Party’s Value in Gems: Villams, Czizak-Ygna of Clan Karst and Devotee of a Very Thorough Skincare Regimen

– Relieved to See the Party can Actually Fight: Prixithalma the Impressed

– Locked, Loaded, and Back to Doing their Thing: Sturloc and Kottar, Crossbowmen for Life (and Beyond in Some Cases)

– Resting in (Lots of Weird) Pieces: Ziyad, Rebelling to the Bitter End

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock:!

Session 166: August 30, 2017

Session 166: August 30, 2017

After resting and healing, the party continues west, and comes upon a group of drow questioning some deep gnomes and a half-orc Lilly/Brenda/Bavmorda.

We defeat the drow and the leader and one other escape. One of the gnomes is slain. One of the Monkeys is smashed. The other monkey and the berserker are injured. Amodeus agrees to use the wand of mending to fix the berserker and working monkey. Axel was severely injured and was healed up.

Edan becomes very ill, and the gnomes tell us that it is “stone sickness.” They take us to their lair and meet with their leader, Willems. We learn that they have a cure, but it requires the eggs of beetle men. They are large and tough.

We need at least 3 eggs. All of us that have psionics most likely have stone sickness. Thorfus and Nash then become ill. We plan to get enough eggs to take the cure back to those on the surface.

We also learn that the Dark King, or someone with a circlet greater than Thorfus’ slew a dragon and went into the ship before it exploded. We hope that means the dark king was slain. The drow were sent down to see if anyone got away from the ship. They did not think it was going to result in anything until we showed up.

We also learn that there is a faction called “The Silence” that has something to do with the ancient dwarves and things beyond the world.

Willems, the gnome leader is not one that we can trust. Prix doesn’t like the situation, but we have to trust the fix can truly save us. Prix said the ancient dwarves had their own cure for this.

This is a mess we rest up and hope to quickly defeat the creatures, and avoid more drow, and being betrayed by the gnomes to the “Hidden Ones” AKA ancient dwarves/Council of 12/ Lords of the Silver Throne.

Treasure Gained, Session 165 (8/23/17):

Treasure Gained, Session 165 (8/23/17):

– Dwarven “Space Suit” Helm

– Stun stick: 600XP

– Transparent Brown-green Gemstone

– Transparent Violet Gemstone

– Wrought Silver/Gold Brooch (Cloning Ship Design)

– Card with Silver Throne Constellation Design

– Bulette Claw

– Scrap of Cloak Monster

– 10 Beetle Automata (Broken)

PC XP Shares: 100XP


Bookkeeping Notes, Session 165 (8/23/17):

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 165 (8/23/17):

– We will continue at 12:50AM on the 24th of Masrilden with the party breaking camp somewhere beneath Curmidden. The group has spent 113 turns (18 hours and 50 minutes) below the surface.

– Fell from the Sky like Icarus, except for the splat part: Chuq, Who Probably Owes Bellisent a Raise

– Not Waiting around to be Dragon Food: Amadeous the Practical Mage

– Knows Nothing about where the Ax Wound on Amadeous Came From: Thorfus, Cleaver of Unfriendly Cloaks

– Holding His Fire (and Lightning) for Now: Edan the Cautious when Fighting Overwhelming Dragon Forces

– Now Aware that Mold is a Major Safety Hazard: Nash, Mourning Sarricino

– Even More Painfully Aware of Mold’s Dangers: Sarricino the Frosty

– Surprising Quiet during the Dragon Fight: Axel the Incredibly Calm

– Golden Glove Winner and #1 Hireling (Sorry Sturloc): “Top Gun” Bellisente

– Thinks Young’uns have no Respect for their Elders: Crispy Myrientaxus

– Looking around and Starting to Worry: Prixithalma, Leader with Few Followers

– Pretty sure he IS a weapon: The Iron Berserker

– Likely Dead regardless of what Goonies say: Ziyad, Sloth’s Uglier Big Brother

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock:!

Session 165 August 23, 2017

Session 165 August 23, 2017

5:37am 23rd of Masrilden Temple of the Flesh God

As expected, three dragons assault the temple of the Flesh God just before dawn. Their approach was heralded by a violent storm front unnaturally rolling in from the east.

The rolling clouds from the east blanket the sun during the last minutes of Myrientaxis’ life. It takes three belches of dragon fire to end the ancient bronze. He returns in kind to the smaller of his opponents weakening it enough that Bellisente’s revenge attack wing electrocutes it dead. Miraculously, Bellisente’s pilot intercepts the unconscious Chuq Nourrous plummeting to his imminent death from the air. She snatches the monk’s limp form as the larger Red Dragon grasps her wing man from the sky, slagging the automaton monkey with a point blank belch of fire.

Thorfus watches Bellisonte and Chuq fly away through eyes of another monkey hidden in the canopy of the banyan. He, Axel and Edan have lurked in a cabin close to the entryway of the Temple of the Flesh God. While the three monitor the battle outside, Amadeus persuades Prixalthalmus and her escort of Sturloc and Kotar to flee into the tunnels below the Temple. His entreaties are for naught, so he proceeds on his own. Nash is ensconced in another cabin, praying to Merendur for the power to survive what comes. His thoughts and feelings are jumbled and conflicted since Sarachino his companion was recently consumed by a mysterious freezing growth that erupted from a footlocker in an adjacent cabin. To save himself, Nash had to leave Sarachino’s body behind. The regret is painted all over his face.

As one, the Dwarves and part Elf give the order to abandon the Temple after the last dragon, a blue, arrives and alights the banyan tree via a lightning strike. The topside monkey returns via one of the fighter bays. The Beserker Autonotom covers the party’s retreat. Hopefully the two dragons outside will be delayed long enough for Zayid’s plan to explode the ship via an engine overload happens.

Far below the temple, in the spiraling tunnels, Amadeus discovers a Bullette’s body. Amadeus decides to butcher the body to harvest valuable body parts but his efforts are interrupted by a deadly Cloaker. Leaping to the rescue, Thorfus inadvertently strikes Amadeus unconscious before abandoning sword play for wrestling the Cloaker off of Amadeus’ limp body. The fight for Amadeus’ life alerts Edan and the others. Working together they defeat the cloaker and hopefully can keep everyone else alive.

Session #164: The Sleeper Has Awakened!

Session #164: The Sleeper Has Awakened!

(We handled our Psionics this session)

Journal Entry – Nearly sunrise. {didn’t take note of the day}

As we prepare for our battle against the dragon intent on destroying us I’ll relate what has happened over the last few hours.

The ritual was a success – Prixathalma is alive. I scarcely can believe it myself, but there she was in her full dragon glory.

Her reactions were confused, luckily we made sure the first person she’d see was Mariantaxsis and she recognized her kin and immediately began speaking with him in Dragonic. (I must learn this language if given the chance!)

Kotar roughly explain what was said – that she at asked him if he had rescued her, to which he explained no, we did, and went on to explain generally the current situation regarding the flight of 3 dragon on their way to eliminate her and all of us.

Finally noting our presence – she focused on Thorfus and began question him in Ancient Dwarven. He and I did our best to answer, including informing her about Xenotel visiting our dreams. She tells its troubling, but could be a way to access Xentel that way if need be.

Thorfus repeats the impending arrival of the Dragons and questions if she would know if they’d be carrying Imperial Dervishes. Not surprisingly she didn’t know who the Dervishes were (I figure that the imperial dervishes came into being much after he “death’’) but did know about the shadow stepping. She alluded that normally dragon wouldn’t stoop to carrying lesser creature, but admitted that during the Rebellion she and others did so.

She then wanted to hear the Prophecy that Mariantaxis mentions, Axel obliged, repeating the words he heard during his long road back to us. Thorfus and I then explain who the Liar, Mad King and Consort are (though she knew exactly who the last one was) and explain what we hope we can accomplish. She explains it’s possible that our plan may work, especially if we can undo what she did to the Orbital Defenses to prevent the Dwarves from repairing what she had done.

Thorfus also explained the plans (as we know them) of the other factions – Dark King, Silverthrone and Imperials. She did not seems too concerned with them (or did not show it) as we moved on to discuss our next course of action.

After some deliberation we decide to explore the crash-site in the hopes of finding items that may help us against the coming dragons or the other factions (she’s a big fan of using other people’s devices against them) as she’s still not fully recovered from her resurrection.

NOTE: We did not tell her everything yet, the fate of her son and Chuq’s misguided attempt to end the crisis by eliminating her and the death of her old allies.

Our explorations were fruitful:

Amodeus spoke with Zyaid and discovers a treasure trove of items including a repair wand, exo-suits, schematics for some micro repair droids, electro-stics

Zyaid also confirmed that the fighters are functional and the Beserker is aswell, though defective.

He also has a plan to self-destruct while we escape through a tunnel made by a Bulette

He also confirmed that the ship could not fly again, nor did it have a battery charging unit.

Amodeus was quick to use the Repair Wand on the Beserker – giving us one more weapon.

We also find a fully functional repair pair, allowing us to repair Thorfus’ monkeys – and later the Beserker, after it managed to defeat the Bullette blocking our escape.

Chuq informed me that Zyaid confirmed that the fluid in the tanks could not repair the damage caused by Jagger’s manipulations – though the scars could. Also – after Thorfus’ use of the tanks to heal – we discovered that they too seem to have been affected by the strange energy emitted by the engines earlier. (Must question Kalgunn about these engines)

With Zyades help we confirm that if Prix wears one of mind protecting rings she cannot easily be detected by the ships – and therefore – the other dragons.

With our search complete, and our escape route clear – we begin to plan exactly how we will defeat the oncoming storms: Red, Blue and likely Black.

We have the skiff loaded with what we found and have it moved far enough to avoid detection.

Chuq hopes to trap one in the Shadow-Realm – risking his own entrapment. Mariantaxis believes he could likely defeat or divert one – leaving one for us.

This may be my last entry – unless my ancestors say otherwise.

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 164 (8/16/17):

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 164 (8/16/17):

– We will continue at 5:37AM on the 23rd of Masrilden with the party anxiously awaiting the arrival of Azrael’s dragons.

– Broke the Berserker, Beat the Bulette: Thorfus, Automata Master

– Seeking Redemption Beside Myrientaxus?: Chuq, 7 Samurai-ing it Up

– Providing Monkey-Guided Air Support: Edan the Mech Pilot

– Kind of Agrees with Ziyad that the Party should Skedaddle: Amadeous the Wise

– Shouldn’t have drank the Tank Water: Nash, Resorting to Prayer

– Has Now Delivered the Prophecy to Everyone Mentioned in It: Axel, Messenger of Destiny

– Ready to Sacrifice himself for the Rebellion, Jyn Erso-Style: Ziyad, Flesh God

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock:!

Psionics Note:

Psionics Note:

After luxuriating in a bath of irradiated water, both Nash and Thorfus emerge puking their guts out and possessing weird mind powers. If you two want to go ahead during the week and do the necessary rolls in Roll20 to determine your powers and post here, that will be fine.