Session 166: August 30, 2017

Session 166: August 30, 2017

After resting and healing, the party continues west, and comes upon a group of drow questioning some deep gnomes and a half-orc Lilly/Brenda/Bavmorda.

We defeat the drow and the leader and one other escape. One of the gnomes is slain. One of the Monkeys is smashed. The other monkey and the berserker are injured. Amodeus agrees to use the wand of mending to fix the berserker and working monkey. Axel was severely injured and was healed up.

Edan becomes very ill, and the gnomes tell us that it is “stone sickness.” They take us to their lair and meet with their leader, Willems. We learn that they have a cure, but it requires the eggs of beetle men. They are large and tough.

We need at least 3 eggs. All of us that have psionics most likely have stone sickness. Thorfus and Nash then become ill. We plan to get enough eggs to take the cure back to those on the surface.

We also learn that the Dark King, or someone with a circlet greater than Thorfus’ slew a dragon and went into the ship before it exploded. We hope that means the dark king was slain. The drow were sent down to see if anyone got away from the ship. They did not think it was going to result in anything until we showed up.

We also learn that there is a faction called “The Silence” that has something to do with the ancient dwarves and things beyond the world.

Willems, the gnome leader is not one that we can trust. Prix doesn’t like the situation, but we have to trust the fix can truly save us. Prix said the ancient dwarves had their own cure for this.

This is a mess we rest up and hope to quickly defeat the creatures, and avoid more drow, and being betrayed by the gnomes to the “Hidden Ones” AKA ancient dwarves/Council of 12/ Lords of the Silver Throne.

0 Replies to “Session 166: August 30, 2017”

  1. That’s a fine summary, Follow Me, And Die! (although the Czizek-Ygna’s name is Villams). It’s worth 1200XP for Thorfus. I suppose this session establishes that gnomes in general (i.e., not just Jagger) are very weird.

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