Bookkeeping Notes, Session 170! (9/27/17):

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 170! (9/27/17):

– We will continue with the party resting inside their portable tower after eleven hours of travel through the ruined dwarven mines towards Glavnone. It is now 12PM (noon) on the 2nd of Onrilden; three lanterns and an hour worth of the journey is complete, leaving between five and six lanterns more.

– Relieved to be Leading the Group Back to Glavnone: Rallion, Who Doesn’t Remember Seeing Anything Like a “Battery”

– Pulled a Pretty Good Hat-Trick with Serithaz: Nash, Who is Gradually Losing (Changing?) His Religion

– Can’t Believe the Party Chickened Out with those Furry Giants: Bavmorda, Who Seems a Bit Bloodthirsty (although no Stonedog)

– Impressed the Gnomes with his Hard Bargaining: Edan, Who Apparently Loves Jewelry only Slightly Less than Hats

– Getting the Hang of Being an Automata Master: Axel, Now Proficient with Monkey Bait

– Still Worried: Sturloc, Even if He Knows that He Can Count on Chuq 100% to Look After Bellisente

– Permanent Addition to an Archaeological Find: Thorfus, Who, In a Thousand Years, May Be Worth Something

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock:!



Session 170 September 27, 2017

2nd of Onrilden

AD Clock

A week after Amadeus, Bavmorda and Lambertus have trained in Villams’ outpust tunnels, Majilis approaches the party to discuss our plans. He reports Shadow Elves have been asking after members of the Keepers of the Council. The price to keep our ways secret is settled after a lengthy negotiation for all of our remaining gems and bejeweled jewelry in exchange for highly useful Gnomish tools. Tools such as a dozen each gas & acid deep gnome darts, adamantine spear and hand held cross bow bolts, and 2 summon earth guardian scrolls. They also agree to forgive the trainees sent to the gnomes.

Majilis mentions the Ancient Dwarven suite behind the incineration chamber. Since Axel decides to leave Thorfus interned in the administrator’s office, we don’t offer and advice or help to Majilis. Promising to keep our plans secret, Majilis and a few other deep gnomes escort the party to the form Umber Hulk/Goblin lair where the party ascends towards Glavnone via the central vertical shaft Ralion used to hook up with the party.

Before the party splits from Majilis, Kotar notices the night cap is missing. A brief panic ensues before Nash puts it on his head and obviously has a private conversation with the ancient devil fish. Nash reports Serithas agrees to cooperate with Nash to poison the minds of our foes. When Edan explains Chuq Nourris was tricked by the same promise, Nash decides to not wear the cap at this time.

During the trek, a monkey autonotom is attacked by a cave fisher that Axel kills with an arrow. The party also takes the time to examine Ancient Dwarven machinery along the route, finding uncut gems in a stone crusher. A horde of Bugbears travelling in the opposite direction are avoided when over two dozen are discovered. Eventually the party halts to rest, the journey to Glavnone will finish the next day…

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 169 (9/20/17):

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 169 (9/20/17):

– We will continue with the party’s week-long rest and training break at Villams’ outpost beneath the surface of Curmidden. This week will end on the 1st of Onrilden — finally a new month in-game!

– Rededicated to the Mission: Axel ‘We Have to Remember Kalgunn’ Rhom’Khul

– Very Much Intrigued by the Idea of Dropping a Palace on Your Ex: Brenda, Who’s Apparently had Some Bad Breakups

– Might want to think Twice even if Brenda is a Hometown Girl: Nash the Newly Chaste (?)

– Gathering New Spells and Compiling a List of Likely Targets: Edan, Looking to Jack a Spaceship

– The Good News is He’s Found the Keepers: Rallion, Who is Realizing that May also Be the Bad News

– Worrying about Bellisente: Sturloc, Who’s Certain Chuq will Prioritize Keeping her Safe above All Else

– Practicing saying, “Consider this your divorce papers!” when crashing the Orbital: Prix, Who’s Working through Some Stuff

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock:! (At end of week)


Treasure Gained, Session 169 (9/20/17):

Treasure Gained, Session 169 (9/20/17):

Gemstones and Jewelry traded for information:

– Topaz (Transparent golden yellow gemstone): 500XP

– Chalcedony (Opaque white stone): 50XP

– Chrysoberyl (Transparent yellow-green gemstone): 700XP

– Three Rock Crystals (Transparent clear gemstones): 150XP

– Silver necklace with two Quartz (opaque pale blue gemstone) and one Garnet (transparent violet gemstone): 4155XP

Total XP: 5,555

PC Shares: 926XP*

*Henchman should receive their shares from the relevant PCs portion


Session 169 September 20, 2017

Session 169 September 20, 2017

3:50 pm 24th of Masrilden

AD Clock

As we settle to rest, Prixilthalmis asks Bavmorda to retrieve an information reliquary. Prix plans to save a copy of her virus to be used against Xeno Tel if she is not present to render aid. When asked, Edan gives one over and watches Prix clear the memory of a reliquary and begin the process of programming the virus. Prix states the overall process will take several sleep sessions but once completed, will allow Edan, Kalgunn or Serithas to use the virus against Xeno Tel and possibly cause the orbital palace to crash upon her ex-husband! She explains how her original delivery was via the Crystal Tower which is no longer attached to the orbital palace. Now she wonders how to deliver the virus. She hopes it can be done from someplace within the orbital palace.

After the spell casters have rested, Nash decides to talk with the now dead Thorfus. Nash asks:

1.      What do you want us to do now that you are dead? “Save my mother, save the world… I failed… keep your shield up… make sure my mother is taken care of, give her all of my wealth…I fear for her safety

2.      Is there anything you want to tell us? – more of the same as before – “get back to the skiff… we need the cure, kill Jardin for me!… save Em!… Kill Marchmain & the Dark King… give the map maker my share of the estate…

Next the party collects themselves to return to the Gnome tunnels. At the vertical shaft they meet Ralion, a ranger sent by druids to investigate stories and reports of Canis a former associate of the Starchie Boyz. Ralion has disturbing news of the surface world. He asks to join our cause, in as much for the Druids of the Verdant Fellowship as for the sake of friendly company. Realizing our gnomish allies suffer from a lack of protein, it is decided Thorfus’ body would be left in behind the incineration room so that it might not be on the dinner menu tonight.

At the giga worm tunnel, Harasib gets in line with the party and escorts us back to Vilim’s. Eventually the party has an audience with Vilim after turning over the beetlemen eggs and egg remnants to Majilis who shares stories of the underdark with Edan after a jeweled tip is offered. Majilis hints that resurrection might be found in Negron which is corroborated by Vilim later. Seems there are ancient dwarven machines that might return the dead to the living.

Vilim’s tongue is more loose than Majilis’. In exchange for most of our jeweled treasure, the hefty gnome chief tells what she claims are all her secrets of the under dark. She admits to luring the hulks to cull the goblins tribes which we then tidied up for her at the exorbitant price of Thorfus Ironhand’s life. She tells ancient stories of her ancestors that slaved for the hidden ones in places that made them sick. Her brighter ancestors deduced a cure for stone sickness which they keep secret to this day. Ancient dwarves took the essence of what made someone a dwarf out her gnomish ancestors to make a race of servants. As a people, they have move past this ethnic slight.

Of the brain eating Silence, she states the gnomes trade with them none too often. Yet the Silence will readily trade for ancient dwarven technology, because they worship it as a living thing with spirits trapped within that must be liberated. Once freed, the spirits roam freely within their city. Their closest settlement is Zavphrom, where the Righteous Halberd is known to haunt The Righteous Halberd is an escaped slave from the Necropolis, a geurrilla subversive operating in the Silence’s territory. He is an upsider like us.

Vilsnarg, the largest settlement of the gnomes can be found east about 8.5 lanterns from here. It is bridged by an ancient dwarven aqueduct, ruled by clan Vilsnarg, their king and his court. Above Vlisnarg is an entrance to a mine, nearby is the dark water river and a chasm. All converge three converge at Vilsnarg, anyone can follow the darkwater directly into the gnome territory. Beyond Vilsnarg is Malgrom a truly mixed society comparted to Vilsnarg.

To the southeast is the hidden city of the dead attended by slaves brought below by raids on surface populations. It is a hive of industry just since the last few years. Rumors say that one of the lords might have been killed or exiled. The hidden ones are preparing for war against the Silence.

Majilis is tasked with providing a map of the Necropolis for us. There is a ring city around the Necropolis populated by elves and slaves. The dead part of the city is column of stone, a spire with bridges where the hidden ones that are not awake roam,   attended by pedestals that magically move around. There are guardians that take care of the dead, their lair lies above a stockpiles of nano carbon, where weapons of war are being made. There is a teleportation device. The top of the spire is where the lords sit on their thrones, they are undead that an ancient dwarven device keeps alive. 12 or 11 lords are all connected to a phylactory that keeps them alive forever.

Villam suggests how to get close to the Lords to do harm. She suggest travelling via the mines to the gigaworm or darkwater to negropolis past shadow elf outposts. An alternate: through silence territory past Zayphrom taking the dark water river to Vilsnarg or the gigaworm tunnel to its end near the necropolis. She thinks an alliance with the Righteous Halberd would be successful against the Silver Throne Lords.

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 168 (9/13/17):

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 168 (9/13/17):

– We will continue at 3:50PM on the 24th of Masrilden with the party camping in the locked portion of the dwarven mine after slaying the three hulks. The party has been exploring 38 turns (6 hours and 20 minutes) since resting at Villams’ outpost.

– RIP Thorfus, Chief of the Ironhand Clan and Dwarven Superhero (per the PHB)

– Last Dwarf Standing: Axel, Sole Survivor of the Original Baldric’s Boys

– Luckily on a Strict Mushroom and Dead Gnome Diet: Bavmorda, Cave Crawler

– Cured Wounds Too Late: Nash Bura, Accidentally Avenging Ronan’s Death

– Magic Missile Machine Gunner: Edan the Finisher

– Scraped up the Shattered Eggs and the Treasure: Amodeus, Scavenger Extraordinaire

– Finally used his Flail: Lambertus, Who Probably Should Diversify his Spells

– Only Needs to Knock Off One More to be Eldest: Sturloc, the Eternal Hireling

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock:!


Treasure Gained, Session 168 (9/13/17):

Treasure Gained, Session 168 (9/13/17):

– 203 PP

– 13000GP

– Bag of Holding (XP: 5000)

– Svirfneblin Map of Mine Area

– Biconvex Lenticular Stone (XP: 500)

– Silver necklace with two opaque pale blue gemstone and one transparent violet gemstone

– Wrought gold brooch

– Silver pin with two opaque pure black stones

– Wrought silver and gold chatelaine

– Wrought gold necklace

– Silver ring with two transparent deep blue gemstones

– Ivory brooch

– Gold headband with a transparent deep bright green gemstone

– Wrought silver earrings

– Wrought silver signet ring (Ancient Dwarven “MS” twined together)

– Scroll Case with twelve sheets of parchment (Magic User spells):

– Dimension Door

– Ice Storm

– Polymorph Other

– Ring Mail (Fine quality; ancient dwarven)

– Opaque rich olive green gemstone

– Opaque light pink gemstone

– Transparent golden yellow gemstone

– Opaque white stone

– Transparent yellow-green gemstone

– Three transparent clear gemstones

– Potion vial (Clairaudience)

– 2 Intact eggs from mother beetle

– Shell shards and yolk from broken eggs

Coin Shares for PCs: 2600GP, 40PP (3PP for party fund)*

XP Shares for PCs: 3,903XP


* Henchmen should receive appropriate shares from their PCs.

Session 168: September 13, 2017

Session 168: September 13, 2017

Some of our group chase after the blinded and wounded mother hulk with eggs on its back.

Momentarily aftwerwards, Thorfus comes out of his confusion and chases after them.

They find a third hulk and it attacks Nash. Thorfus rushes up at incredible speed and hammers the creature to great effect, but the creature wounds Thorfus. Thorfus wounds it again, and this time, the creature fells Thorfus, his lifeless body thrown across the tunnel.

Axel and Lambertus rush up, and evade Bavmorda, who was confused by the creature’s gaze. Axel, Nash, and Lambertus manage to fell the creature.

The monkeys cease working on the beserker and come to sing for Thorfus.

After looting thd body of Thorfus, Axel uses the Crystal Circlet and commands the monkeys to sing more quietly. Axel sends one to get Edan, and reaches out to Edan. Edan comes and sees Thorfus’s body. They go after the mother hulk and Edan hits it with the rest of his magic missiles, and finally fells it. It did charge, but did not hurt anyone else. It fell on its back and only two of the remaining eggs survived. Shell fragments and some egg liquid in cloaks and handles.

Amadeus found the body of a gnome who had a lenticular device and a crude map of the ancient dwarven area.

Nash opened up the stomachs of two of the hulks and found some gems.

They send the berserker in and the lenticular device does not work.

Nash drags Thorfus’ body in and puts his hand on the button and it opens.

They are not incinerated.

Next room has a room with light and gnomes and goblins building a tall tower (Crystal Tower) from materials gnomes & goblins were mining.

Find secret 5x 5 room with stuff. Chest of gold and bag of holding and potion.

We elect to rest and re-learn spells in the ancient dwarven area, and the monkeys work to repair the berserker.

RIP Lord Thorfus Ironhand, aged 52 years 362 days.