Treasure Gained, Session 73 (9/9/15):

Treasure Gained, Session 73 (9/9/15):

– 2 Dwarven ‘Environment Suites’ (Yellow w. venting apparatus)

– 6 Unlabeled Vials of liquid (Found w. suites): 2 green, 2 orange, 1 red, 1 blue

– 1 Dwarf-sized studded leather armor (excellent condition)

– 5 Sets of Chainmail (Odd material; virtually weightless)

– 5 Pairs of Black Boots (Muffles sound): 5000XP

– 5 Black Cloaks: 5000XP

– 5 Long Swords (same material as chain mail)

– 5 Short Swords (same material as chain mail)

– 4 Daggers (exquisite workmanship): 400XP

– 3 Maces (same material as chain mail)

– 3 Hand crossbows with 30 quarrels

– 4 War Picks (exquisite workmanship)

– 12 darts

– Scroll case with magic scrolls inside (same material as chain mail)

– 3 Unlabeled Vials with liquid: 1 clear, 2 purplish with black swirls

– Hammer (Glows with magic)

– Battle Ax (Glows with magic): 300XP

– Long Sword (Glows with magic): 400XP

– 4 Deteriorated Sets of Ancient Leather Armor (Human-sized)

– Ring with inset ivory

– Armlet of interlaced Wrought gold and silver

– Gold Necklace with green gems

– Wrought platinum choker with jade stone

– Total Amount: 11,100XP

– PC Shares (XP): 2,220XP

– Derich & Talon Shares (XP): 1,110XP


Book-keeping Notes, Session 73 (9/9/15):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 73 (9/9/15):

– The session ended at 1pm of the 14th of Galrilden with the party having explored the entry rooms of the other sections of Xen’Khel and preparing to cross over into the area they previously explored in detail.

– Dead: A bunch of bodies (humans, elves, and gnomes) killed sometime before the party arrived.


Session 73 – September 9, 2015

Session 73 – September 9, 2015

The night before returning to the depths of the city, Chuq found that he could shadowstep with the mask, and further that he could shadowstep with the mask and carry Belroar in a fireman’s carry.

The next day was overcast and rainy, so Chuq could not use the mask to shadowstep, so Finklemur made him invisible and he walked in our midst. As we passed each gate, Thorfus left 2 g.p. so that the dwarves he had not yet bought drinks could get some when they were of duty.

Once in sight of the now mostly cleared temple of the Nagas, Chuq shadowstepped into the entrance, avoiding Marchmain and others he had gathered around to great us.

Marchmain made a big production out of encouraging us, emphatically calling us the Starchy Boyz, to get the Naga ASAP, for the greater good and in service to Xen Tellar. However, after he sent all the witnesses to his fancy speech away, he said that he would understand if we sought out magic items first.

Marchmain then mentioned that two young dwarves of the Ironhand Clan, here with the Militia, the most recent rotation from Xenilum Khel, asked to be my honor guard. 

Dorea Burstow, the commander of the Xenilum Khel militia introduced me to Hisham & Reinold Ironhand. They were proud of the things that had happened with my elevation to leader of Clan Ironhand. My mother was proud and even though I had not written her personally, my change of fortune has greatly softened the blow of learning of her brother’s death from strangers. Elders of the clan are being consulted by members of the council. In general the fortunes of the clan have greatly improved.

They ask to stand post at the manor house we are using, and Thorfus grants it. Thorfus advised them to keep their mouths shut and eyes and ears open in matters of Clan Ironhand business. Thorfus inquires if they need anything, or if they have heard anything he needs to know. They inform hims that probably because he has not formally been elevated that he is not expected to provide something for the militia muster.

After getting all the information he can from them, he obtains paper and pen and writes a just in case letter to his mother. Thorfus cautions them not to give up too soon, and send the letter until his companions give the word of his demise. [Letter in separate posting.]

Thorfus then hustles to catch up with Marchmain and Dorea, and offers some payment for the Ironhand Clan’s share of the obligation, and they echo what the young lads said. Of course, the Silverthrone Company name came up as helping out and covering things for now. Dorea will think about what Thorfus can do while away in the dpths of the city. Thorfus did confirm that his usurping predecessor did nothing for the muster, and did not help the honor of Clan Ironhand.

Thorfus then runs to catch up, and as he enters the entrance he says loud enough for the workmen to hear, “I don’t know why he waited until after the crowd dispersed to tell us that it was OK with him if we went looking for magic items and artifacts first. I will never understand merchants.”

We go down and make sure we are not followed. At the four-way, Fang detects mechanical monkeys to the south towards the residences, but we do not pursue. When we reach the courtyard near the Naga, we find the large automaton, the fountain, and some monkey automata smashed. We learn that the Naga ambushed them.

Chuq opened his mind to the Naga and let her know what he knows. The Naga communicates it to Derek. Derek responds, “Oh, My!” in modern common. He is learning, but not fluent.

Belroar discusses his plan with the Naga to get Marchmain down here so she can ambush him. The naga tells us that she is afraid to confront him, based on what she learned from Chuq.

We give Derek the clothes, armor and weapons we bought for him. We then convince him to join us on the other side of the portal to attempt rescue of more prisoners, etc. He agrees.

We head back to the portal. We view the area we know all too well first, and it looks to be as we left it. 

We then cycle through each of the other three rooms. The first is a botanical research area. there is a voice mentioned the need to wear biohazard suits or get decontaminated to enter the research area. The door to the west had signs that something had pushed or beaten against it.We identify the doors and loot a cabinet of two yellow dwarf six bio hazard suits, and some other items. We use the copper key to lock the pedestal to prevent anyone from coming from that direction who doesn’t have the right security key.

Second, we find a room with an hourglass shape and a door to the north and south. There is a female dwarven voice talking about 30 seconds to lethal countermeasure, but the copper key stops it. We find dead elves, gnomes, and ancient humans. We loot them of a variety of magic weapons, armor and other gear, and several mundane items. We loot all, and apportion it among our party. Derek says that the ancient leather armor was worn by the rebels under the dragon emperor. He did not know about the dark skinned elves and had no idea what a gnome is. We then used the copper key to lock that pedestal. NOTE: Either side of the pedestal had globes that sent out threat detection pulses like Axel’s armor. We suspect it will also blast anyone standing there.

The last room was a cross-shaped room with a door at the end of each hallway with a window in each door. Through the doors we can see another pedestal with a different configuration, and large chrome like globes that remind us of the previous room.  We can also see that in a short distance past each door, is another door at the end of a short hallway. Chuq does a scan with the helmet and detects something, perhaps not intelligent, or at least not understandable in every direction except East and West. We then use the copper key to lock the pedestal and a voice tells us that until the issue is fixed that the pedestal has been locked. In other words, had we come through and closed the portal, we would have been trapped. 

Secure in the idea that no one can come from the other direction without the right key, or solving a problem and having the right key, we control access to the throne room.We then prepare to enter the area with all the undead with the intent to rescue ancient prisoners and recruit them to our cause, and perhaps find a way to recharge our dwindling batteries.

Belroar gave Thorfus his last will and testament, in case anything happens to him.

This was a very interesting session. I am interested to see how much XP we get for all the loot we found!

If any of you are interested, I am running a play test of a scenario of Metamorphosis Alpha for a convention, on…

If any of you are interested, I am running a play test of a scenario of Metamorphosis Alpha for a convention, on Friday, September 11 from 7:00 PM to Midnight Eastern.

I have put out a lot of feelers, so if there is interest, I will also run it on Saturday. I would like to arrange a time to generate characters before then. It won’t take more than about 15 or 20 minutes barring technical difficulties.

I plan to use this as a springboard for a campaign.

If interested, please PM me, and I will delete this in a couple days so we don’t clog up John’s campaign with non-related stuff.

You don’t need to know the rules and you don’t need the rules to play.

I run things similar to the way John does with theater of the mind.

Request for Updated Character Sheets, 9/3/15

Request for Updated Character Sheets, 9/3/15

We just had a few level advancements (although some of you still need to roll for HP, etc) and it’s therefore time to make sure your character sheet is up-to-date and complete either on Roll20 or the Google Drive folder. Please reply here letting me know where to get your “official” version.

For those needing to roll HP, feel free to fire up the campaign any time you like and make the roll in chat (just let me know you’ve done that).

Session 72 September 2, 2015

Session 72 September 2, 2015

The party is unceremoniously escorted out of the Dwarven HQ/mansion. Thorfus speaks with Idony about the behavior of the SilverThrone private troops (not a friendly bunch, about a handful) She wanted to speak with Marchmain about a personal matter but he left before she could speak with him. On the way out, Thorfus greets the men milling about the wagon. The one who talks, knows Thorfus. They are with Mercers with Odard & Adelard Pickard. Odard has been in the SilverThrone base for hours since a little after dawn. 

News – Alain Grell pirate in Midmark bay, Newton on the mend, Sea Hill is plagued by Ogres and Goblins, Scale has problems with Giants. Thorfus returns within the mansion to ask after Odard but is told that he won’t be available until after his meeting with Marchmain.

Returning to the adventurer’s quarter through the upper city, Thorfus speaks with various Xenilum Khel guards about Ogres, Goblins and Giants harassing village close to Xenilum Khel. He is taunting them by suggesting they would be better used pacifying the countryside. Those he speaks with are confident the problem will be dealt with eventually.

First stop is the Sleeping Colossus for baths and hot food. The patrons are all Dwarves but one elderly human. After the baths Throfus speak with the elderly human, Ancelm Wardele an apothecary. Thorfus buys him a drink of mead. Thus starts several rounds on the house by Thorfus, wetting tongues and loosening lips. The dwarves in the colossus are more concerned about the Ogres and Giants but are confident they will get what’s coming to them. He learns there are a good number of clans moving to the lonely isle. It’s not very clear why the clans are moving but their absence is as good a reason as any for Ogres, Goblins and Giants milling about. 

Thorfus checks on the activity of the upper city via the scrying mask. He notices one dwarf warrior in chain mail with what might be a Silver Throne insignia.

Odard and Adelard eventually arrive and join the Boyz for some drinks. Odard was sent by Peter Thorell and Phyllis Chaumbire to express Vargen’s displeasure that the lower city is closed to adventurers. The adventurers passing through Vargen was a source of income for all of Vargen. Thorfus feels out Odard and learns that Phyllis Chaumbire might like to know about Thorell’s connection with Marchmain. 

Caton Elerio arrives and asks after Chuq after Odard has drifted off. Thorfus explains Chuq’s situation. She wants to petition for his release. Thorfus advises caution. The party less Barmyr leave the Sleeping Colossus for the Raptor lair after Caton agrees to help in other ways. 

At the Raptor lair, Belroar notes that as many as six dwarves have inspected the lower city entrance. Araqiel explains his impressions of Marchmain and Chuq (who’s mind was no longer at the meeting). Then they return to the lower city (noting the autonatom wreck is smaller and missing an arm) to report and introduce Caton to the Naga. Caton is introduced to Derick and the Sister. She agrees to carry the Marchmain letters to Midmark. On the way back a movement to the south draws us to investigate. 

Belroar leads the way, following tracks 120 feet south pass three intersection. He turns to the east, after a short passage it opens into a 30 x 30 empty room. He is sure their prey came this way. Pons notices a small secret door where the trail ends. A secret doggie door! There is a small tunnel 3’ high, 3’ wide leading straight away. Deciding we all can’t follow the trail, the door is spiked on our side. We’re so nice…

Back at the Raptor lair, we obscure our tracks. Belroar adds Gorilla paws to the tracks. The Boyz head back to the estate after escorting Caton to the Sleeping Colossus. Odard and Adelard agree to escort Caton back to Vargen, not aware Caton has Marchmain’s missives. 

The next morning, our familiar look outs report a sizeable contingent of Dwarves marched directly into the Raptor Lair and after a seismic disturbance, they return to the upper city. That afternoon the Mercers and Caton leave for Vargen. 

On the third day next, while Axel, Talon, Belroar, Fitz and Finkelmur are training/trading spells, Thorfus reels from a knock on his noggin. Spinning at the ready with sword in hand, he is startled to see a blood caked bedraggled (and somewhat over ripe) Chuq sporting a lopsided grin. Thorfus can’t keep his eyes off of Chuq’s postulant and puckered head. The golden mind reading skull cap is melted into Chuq’s head, the surrounding skin burnt and rancid. The Mercs lounging about are sent for hot water, soup and food while the two Boys compare stories. 

During the following days, in between training and provisioning for the next delve into the lower city, Chuq’s tale is shared with all the Boyz. They know Thorfus’s dead uncle Dolman’s spirit explained that while Chuq was invisible and unconscious, his mind was in a dream inside a prison, a dream of a real place. The prison was Xeno Tel’s, an ancient dwarven machine corrupted by the rebels. It is also his fortress where his true self is preserved. Only by removing the rebel corruption will Xeno Tel be able to escape. An outside signal recently woke him from his millennia long slumber. 

Xeno Tel needs Chuq to carry something back into the real world. This is learned when Dolman had Chuq witness Xeno Tel interrogate, then destroy Thorfus. Dolman explained he is a false memory for Thorfus that Xeno Tel allows to exist, fated to meet then watch Thorfus die at the hands of Xeno Tel thousands of times over. 

Dolman’s last lesson is that the prison/fortress contains an information cube library of all the ancient followers of Xeno Tel (the Rightous). They are literally saved and Xeno Tel wants to loose them on the world. Chuq is shown one such cube, saved in a place of honor separate from the multitude. Reading the ancient dwarven script through Dolman’s mind, it is labeled “Marchmain Sivis, First Consort to Matriarch Captain Anglana, Master Architect of the Crystal Tower, and Chief of Intelligence for XenoTel2.

Naturally we are all concerned that Chuq has already carried “something” to the real world as he easily escaped from the SilverThrone HQ by shadow stepping out of his bonds and out into the city of Xen Khel. What does it mean that Xeno Tel amuses himself by destroying Thorfus over and over again? We were all leery about Marchmain but no one ever thought he was an ancient returned to the world of the living. Araquil has little to add. We hope Derich and the Sister can help. All we have to do is slip Chuq past Marchmain back into the lower city…. 

Book-keeping Notes, Session 72 (9/2/15):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 72 (9/2/15):

– The session ended on the morning of the 14th of Galrilden with the party setting out from their base in the Adventuring Encampment to the main entrance leading down to the Lower City. Although he is staying behind, Finklemur cast invisibility on Chuq so he can slip past the dwarves undetected (hopefully).

– Back-in-Body (w. new hairstyle): Chuq

– Trained to next level: Fitz, Belroar, Axel, and Talon


Chuq’s Surreal Adventure Somewhere Else

Chuq’s Surreal Adventure Somewhere Else

– Consciousness slowly returns to Chuq. He seems to be lying on a comfortable bed; as he opens his eyes, he sees the figure of Dolmen leaning over him holding a candle. He says, “Chuq, you need to concentrate. Xenotel doesn’t bother to watch me, but you need to concentrate and block him so we can talk.”

– Dolmen shushes him, saying that “Just listen – he will hear if you speak. You are going back soon; they need you to carry something for them. There are some things you need to know first, though.”

– [Flash and suddenly they are in a small space with light coming up through a grate on the floor]: “The first thing to understand is that none of this is real; it’s a dream inside a prison – but a dream of a real place. Like a dream, time and space – even death – mean nothing here. Also like a dream, the dreamer is ultimately in control.”

– [Points to area below grate where Xenotel sits on a silver throne; Thorfus confronts him] Xenotel: “So, tell me, what have you learned?” Thorfus: “That this is your prison, somewhere inside one of the ancient’s machines and that you need Chuq to carry something back to the real world.” Xenotel: “Anything else? No? Not your best showing. Better luck next time.” [Xenotel then snaps his fingers and Thorfus disintergrates].

– [Flash to library near Dolmen’s cube]: “Don’t worry, Xenotel will bring him back soon. It’s a game, you understand. Thorfus wakes up here, investigates, is summoned, and dies. It’s happened thousands of times in the centuries he has been here. Of course, he always finds me and we talk – you see, I’m just a false memory and Xenotel doesn’t bother to erase me. I remember every time my nephew comes to find me, shares his findings, and then goes to die. I represent the collective memories of thousands of my nephews who have died and I can’t warn them or help or he will know I remember. I can tell you, though, because your mind is closed to him.”

– “This is Xenotel’s prison, somewhere in a machine created by the ancient dwarves that was corrupted by the rebels. This is his little fortress that preserved his true self; he can’t leave, though, until that corruption is cleansed. He slept for millennia here, but something woke him recently – a signal from outside the prison.”

– “The other thing you need to know is that they are all here – the ancients. You see, the followers of Xen’Teler have always believed that he saves the righteous and keeps them safe in the afterlife. That’s not a metaphor or a spiritual truth, though, he has literally saved them here and is waiting to release them back into the world.” [Gesturing at the infinite rows of information cubes].

– [Listening]: “There’s not much time now. They will wake you soon, but you need to see one more thing.” [Rushing through shelves like the arming scene of the Matrix until they come to a circular chamber with wider shelves and a glowing blue holograph of a sphere circled by two other spheres in the room’s center.

– Dolmen steps over to one shelf on the opposite wall and points at the plaque in ancient dwarven; if Chuq reads his mind this is what it says:] “Marchmain Sivis, First Consort to Matriarch Captain Anglana, Master Architect of the Crystal Tower, and Chief of Intelligence for XenoTel2”.

– With that, Dolmen’s blows out his candle and Chuq will wake in the cell at the dwarven estate.

Session 71 – August 26, 2015

Session 71 – August 26, 2015

We dragged the bodies of Holliver and his lieutenant out of the hideout and down into the city, along with loot. We saved Holliver’s head for later.

We put the boxes back in place.

We managed to find the naga and worked out a plan to visit Marchmain and report back to her in a week, after training.

We left out ancient rescuee with the naga.We also left the information cubes and power armor with her, just in case.

Upon our return to the surface, we found the former temple entrance where the three naga sisters did their judging much repaired and cleaned up. the head of the dwarven guard was none too happy at our return, hoping it was his missing dwarves in power armor.

We were taken to the same building where we met with Marchmain before. Part of our brilliant plan was to have Chug be invisible and use the mind reading skullcap/helmet.

On the way to the building, we passed some humans standing around a wagon, that Thorfus has scouted with the face mask, that he used to check things out before we surfaced. As we passed, some of them said to each other, “Are those the Starchy Boyz?” We did not engage them to learn more.

We bartered our way through the gems and other non-magical things we found and made an impressive haul. We also arranged for training for those that need it to begin the next day. For our payment we requested gems, to lighten the load, and until a load of gems is obtained from Xenilum Khel, we have a letter of credit from Marchmain. Marchmain gave the “appearance” of believing us that our charmed Raptor was really a plant from us and he just found the last opening that Holliver said we already knew about.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the party, something happened to Chug, adn as we prepared to leave, Axel stumbled on his unconscious body, and said, “We have a spy here.” that ended any chance we had to coe up with an excuse that might let us get out of their with Chuq.

We left perplexed and worried about our companion.

“Kottar” was unable to get a reading on Chuq, but told us that Marchmain was a much deeper emptiness than he sensed with Brice.

What happened to Chuq we may never learn in game, but were privy to it after the information exchange, and trade was completed. 

When Chuq tried to read Marchmain’s mind/motivations/feelings to learn if he was being honest about how much he would give us, Chuq felt vertigo and a sense of falling. He slammed into the grass, and was in the same place that Thorfus, Brice, and Kottar had encountered Brice’s deity before, on a grassy plain.

“Thorfus” appeared to Chuq and claimed to have been trapped their since he dreamed of this place when at the Sleeping Colossus. “Thorfus” knew a lot about this place and took Chuq by the hand and transported him to a library filled with information cubes. One he found had “Thorfus’s” uncle, who came out and moved, but was a mere automaton/apparition.

“Thorfus” knew someone was coming, and transported Chuq back to the grassy plain. This time “Brice” appeared and was obviously angry with Chuq. Chuq fought her and “won”, but is now “back” laying face down on the floor and unconscious.

Will Chuq be interrogated and give up our secrets, if he has not already? Can Chuq escape with his shadow shifting ability? Will the Starchy Boyz find a way to rescue their friend, or will they become trapped themselves, or worse dead?

Tune in for the next exciting episode of Fools Rush In….