Book-keeping Notes, Session 78 (10/14/15):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 78 (10/14/15):

– The session ended at 6:20am of the 16th of Galrilden with the party standing victorious over the Dark King’s warband. On this foray, the group has spent 196 turns (32 hours and 30 minutes) exploring the dungeon. The group is well-fed and hydrated.

– Dead: Several berserkers & some mobile fungi

– Lobotomized Automata Zombies (Undying) under Parties Control: 40 Berserkers


Session 77 – October 7, 2015

Session 77 – October 7, 2015

We continued our exploration of the ancient dwarven research center, this time to the East. We encountered several skeletons and dispatched them, easily, thanks to good tactics. Then we found a lot of platinum utensils and plates to add to our collection. In the ancient kitchen cold storage, we found a wight who doesn’t realize he is dead.

The good thing about that is that he didn’t try to attack us. The bad thing is that he realized we are not official ancient dwarves, so he thinks we are rebels. He has backed around a corner where we can’t get at him without coming near his deadly touch.

This wight, was once Alke, a researcher, who fled to the freezer and ate all the food before succuming to the cold of the storage room. He gave us new information about the research areas and that we need the platinum keys from the head of each research area to open up area X. [This gives comfort to know that if we can control more of these platinum amulets and get them away from here, perhaps it will prevent them letting Xena Tel loose.] We also learned from Alke that Xena Tel is a more formal name and giving distinction. I wonder if there is a dwarven cleric above who has not been corrupted and that we can trust?

We then found that the ancient dwarves have a plentiful supply of fresh water in their quarters, and found many nice items and some furniture. We encountered more undead, but barricaded them inside their rooms making it harder for them to reach us. There were some of a new type, but their newness did not appear to have any new abilities, at least not ones that would allow them to get at us.

Now that we have plenty of fresh water, we can greatly extend our stay down here.

At the end of the hallway with the rooms for the dwarves is an elevator with what appears to be two levels above us and two below us. We decided to search the rest of this level before attempting a new one. 

We continued to the large open recreation area and saw two bodies on the ground and the newest member of our group looked around tha corner and saw many more. Due to the openness of this room, we feared being surrounded and pulled back and used the same tactics against the skeletons, except we used fire. We encountered two new types of undead, that we plant-like and their skulls split open revealing a tentacle. Thankfully, we did not learn what would happen if it hit us.

We had completed another five or so hours in this place, when we decided to catch our breath and eat. I am interested in the platinum coins and gaming devices of cards and dice. More non-magical stuff we can sell to Marchmain and hang on to the magical stuff we have found.

I hope our success continues and that we can hold off on death and injury to our party.

Session 60 – The Better Late Than Never Edition

Session 60 – The Better Late Than Never Edition

We took some downtime, cramped as the octagonal portal room was, and during this Belroar was able to finish several of his animal-body-part-recycling projects. Finklemur and Fitz also spent some time poring over their respective spellbooks, giving the both wizards chance to expand their repertoires.

(Sometime during our rest, Thorfus dreams about talking to his deceased uncle and Xen’Tellar, who warns him of danger in current task of locating the sphere, and offers him some guidance in how to proceed. Of course, none of the others know about this, except perhaps Araquiel.)

Chuq suggests a plan to get rid of the still-noisy zombies, utilising webs and the bottleneck the door provides. Thorfus also posits that we can use the airlock’s odd defence mechanism to simply fry them. The difficult part would be opening the far door and not getting captured by the undead or trapped in the airlock itself, which could be solved by Chuq’s shadow-stepping ability.

Eventually after a bit of thought and testing, we realise that we cannot really open the doors safely at all, and decide to leave the zombies to their own devices for now.

Finklemur shrinks Chuq down to just over a foot tall, and accompanied by Socrates, he starts scouting out the other side of the arrow slits, starting with the north-eastern one. The room beyond is a trapezoidal shape and doorless, with the only entrance being an elevator in the floor. The far wall is taken up by four metal lockers. 

He tests the elevator works first, using a panel beside it, which unfortunately makes an incredible racket. Luckily, nothing seems to react from below. Socrates is sent to explore the lower level, as the owl is still invisible, and notices that the tunnels connect all the elevators, as well as an additional one to the west. Several skeletal dwarves inhabit the tunnels as well, armed and armoured. There seems to be some valuables down there, and Finklemur gets Socrates to grab a scroll case and bring it back up to him. One of the dwarves also has a wand tucked into it’s belt, but he figures it would be too risky.

Belroar takes the time to inspect the dropping amongst the rubble, which he says comes from a lizard of some kind, which is definitely bigger than the dogs, and some sort of carnivore. Chuq takes the time to get the opinions of the three dogs on the matter, during which I’m pretty sure they discussed eating the droppings.

I worry for this party sometimes…

Chuq in the meantime is trying to open the lockers, but due to his current stature, it requires us to thread a rope through the handles and have the party in the other room pull it open for him. We get them all open in this fashion, and gather a collection of dwarven weapons and armour, some of it magical. Most notably are several multi-tools, part handaxe, part pick. There are also a few pieces of jewellery. 


It takes some work to get the items through the slit, and some are simply to big or too high on the shelves for Chuq to reach. Socrates is available to grab several of the smaller items also, mostly jewellery from the top shelves. Eventually, Chuq has to retreat as the spell wears off, and Finklemur goes off to rest and recover his spells. He does first open the scroll case, revealing a magical scroll that turns out to be ‘Protection from Elementals’.

Chuq questions the odd of the complex. Four rooms, which appear to be armouries, accessible only from below and a distant lift. Each is capable of covering the central room through the arrow slits, and any intruder will have to fight through both crossbow bolts from all sides, then get through password-protected airlocks that fry weapons and armour. It was obviously intended to be a gatehouse, easily defendable. It had fallen however, though perhaps from inside forces or a plague of undead.

After this, we decide to take the time to have Socrates carry rope and hook the lockers in the remaining rooms so we can get at all the gear within, and also have our wizards scan the items for magic. The only issue will be the north-western room, which has a cover of it’s arrow slit.

One of the rooms contains a rune-carved set of platemail, which lights up Thorfus’ eyes certainly, alongside more of the same axes, crossbows and bolts, but also a carved chest. Chuq uses his shadow-stepping to get through into south-east room, and grabs the runic armour, a regular set and the chest. He takes a second step into the north-east room, and passes the magical items from there back through the arrow slot, before stepping back into the central room. 

Thorfus of course dons the runic armour, feeling rather more secure in it.

(Riese, if you’re reading this, I heard you say I suck after I went to bed. Boo, unfair!)

The party finishes resting, giving time for Brice to heal everyone back to health, and Belroar time to flirt with Xelina. Once done, we gather everything up and decide to leave the chamber and head back up to the surface. Thorfus takes the time to lay out his uncle respectfully atop the wagon.

On the way out, we spot a single monkey automaton cross their path, heading south, prompting them to be on guard. We ignore it for now except for Socrates briefly following it to get a rough idea where it was going, which appears to be the workshops.

Next, we happen across a group of ten dwarves waiting at the bottom of the spiral tunnel. They seem nervous, and are identifiable as Xenilum’Khel Militia thanks to their uniform cloaks. Wary for ambush, we continue to approach them. They seem to be complaining about having to wait for a group down here, as most have already left and the Naga is still running around.

They hear us approach and recognise us, specifically Thorfus as being Dolmon’s nephew. They’d apparently broken through the rubble earlier that day, and they’re quite insistent to get moving and leave, so we let them escort us out. Finklemur disappears at some point, and I realise he must of cast his favourite spell.

At the top, a small opening as been cleared, and we exit into the sun. Another team of twenty dwarves guard the entrance, led by an older dwarf, who identifies himself as Haakun Colm, an ambassador from Xurnost’Khel. Several Brothers of the Worldforge are summoned to take care of Dolmon, and they reverently carry him away. 

We talk a little about the intentions of the Naga whilst the dwarves block up the entrance again, to be on the safe side should the Naga come looking for revenge. We then head off into the city, which seems to be quite deserted. We’re led out of the dwarven quarter, and told we have leave to return the day after. The lower levels are a bit of a contrast to our previous experience, and instead of being mobbed, we’re now being avoided. We head over to Desric’s cousin’s home before going to the Sleeping Collossus.

We fill Ghermin in on our side of the story, explaining on how Carrow’s group got a hold of the phoenix egg in the first place. He notes our successes though, particularly obvious due to Thorfus’ armour, so we offer him a pick of our spoils. He takes all the gems, jewellery and robes, as well as most of the multi-tools and hand-crossbows. Finklemur also offers up the scroll, but Ghermin says he’d need a trusted opinion of another wizard.

The trip all in all leaves us a hell of a lot richer.

(The recording cuts out here, but I don’t believe I missed anything)





Party Role Idea: Yea, Nay, or Other?

Party Role Idea: Yea, Nay, or Other?

Rahm Benisaeko mentioned during our last session that the party might want to nominate a “party caller/leader” and I suggested making it a rotating position if you do that. I’ve been mulling this over some more, informed partly by the role scheme used by John Bell in his Necrocarcerus campaign house rules, and wanted to know if the group would be interested in a formal system of party roles. Here are my suggestions:

1. Quartermaster: maintains loot lists and NPC/cart inventories (so Antony can occasionally have a break or at least get recognition)

2. Note-taker: keeps track of events to write a session summary

3. Leader/Caller: works with players to determine party actions and casts tie-breaking vote in case of disagreement

4. Mapper: Responsible for keeping maps in the other Roll20 campaign up-to-date and well-annotated

Some of these could be the same person (note-taker and caller? mapper and quartermaster?) so the system would work even if we only have the minimum three player crew for a session. What do you all think? On my end it doesn’t make too much difference, but perhaps the group would benefit from knowing who’s responsible for what each week (thereby avoiding everyone trying to do one thing or everyone assuming someone else is taking care of another).

Treasure Gained, Session 77 (10/07/15):

Treasure Gained, Session 77 (10/07/15):

– 18 Ragged Robes (Skeletons)

– 15 Additional Platinum Utensil Settings

– 20 Platinum Food Trays

– 20 Mugs (Odd Material)

– Satchel containing:

  – Transparent Deep Purple Gem

  – Opaque Mottled Deep Blue Gem

  – Silve Ring with Opaque Dark Grey Stone with Pink Flecks

  – Card with Silver Throne Marking

– 13 Pots (5 Platinum; 8 Odd Material)

– 18 Kitchen Utensils (5 Platinum & 13 Odd Material)

– 4 Ancient Jars containing Crimson Material/Food

– Strongbox containing:

  – 2 Robes (Helix hemmed)

  – 4 Additional Sets of Clothing & Slippers

– Strongox containing:

  – 1 Robe (Helix hemmed)

  – 3 Additional sets clothes

  – Card with Silver Throne marking

– Strongbox – empty

– Card with Silver Throne marking (from bureau)

– Wrought Silver Ring

– 2 Sets of Clothing (Mixed Sets)

– Strongbox containing:

  – 5 Sets of Clothing

  – Ivory earrings

– Strongbox containing:

  – 2 Robes (Helix hemmed)

  – 5 Additional sets of clothing

  – Platinum Anklet with Pink Coral Accents

– Strongbox containing:

  – 3 Sets of Clothing


Book-keeping Notes, Session 77 (10/07/15):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 77 (10/07/15):

– The session ended at 6:30pm of the 15th of Galrilden with the party back in the central chamber’s eastern door after defeating more undead. On this foray, the group has spent 124 turns (20 hours and 40 minutes) exploring the dungeon. The group is well-fed and hydrated.

– Dead: Several more undead

– Confused about Life & Death: Alke the Wight


As requested last night, I have copied the terminal map from the main campaign to the mapping campaign. Alessandro…

As requested last night, I have copied the terminal map from the main campaign to the mapping campaign. Alessandro Bertolucci, see the link below if you want to join this ancillary campaign; the players use it to create their own maps while we play (I make everyone there a GM with full editing privileges).

Book-keeping Notes, Session 76 (9/30/15):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 76 (9/30/15):

– The session ended at 1:30pm of the 15th of Galrilden with the party Posed in front of the central chamber’s eastern door after defeating the skeletons. On this foray, the group has spent 94 turns (15 hours and 40 minutes) exploring the dungeon. The group is well-rested and fed, although running out of water.

– Dead: Zelina, Fulbert, Apoline, Sumnah, 10 Shadows, and 18 Skeletons (most deaths in a single session?)
