SESSION 209 – July 11, 2018

SESSION 209 – July 11, 2018

We launch and manage to dodge the shot from Xenotel. (Once we finally get to the station, Rallion looks back and Lonely Isle has all buildings leveled and small craters in the ground.) The bits of infected fall and are incinerated as the inner door opens and before the outer door opens, Nash prays to Lysander. The ship heats up from whatever is shot at us.

On the way, Marchmain has the monkey automaton launch with the pill.

When we figure that out Marchmain tries to crash the ship. Nash has Serithaz put Prix in the cube formerly in Marhmain’s skull and Prix takes over the ship in time to prevent us crashing and exploding.

We proceed to one of the airlock close to the central hub/biome.

Nash prays to Lysander the AI and is told there are friendlies in the area and to get to the biome and the friendly AIs will get us to the location of Xenotel’s computer.

We find two storage rooms with 4 dwarf sized and 2 man sized space suits. The two drafe engineers came with us and Bavmorda take dwarf sized suits. Laris and Lambertus each take a suit.

Next are two doors labelled quartermaster. We enter one and Serithaz detects an automaton. Rallion slips off his mind blocking ring and tries to use the gold circlet to control it, and falls unconscious. Nash heals him as the other rush to fight a berserker automaton.

The automaton pummels Bavmorda and Laris and Kauri pummel it with magic missiles. There is a desk with two drawers and an interface on its surface, but we have not interacted with the desk, and need to search it when the fight it over.

SESSION 209 – July 11, 2018

SESSION 209 – July 11, 2018

We launch and manage to dodge the shot from Xenotel. (Once we finally get to the station, Rallion looks back and Lonely Isle has all buildings leveled and small craters in the ground.) The bits of infected fall and are incinerated as the inner door opens and before the outer door opens, Nash prays to Lysander. The ship heats up from whatever is shot at us.

On the way, Marchmain has the monkey automaton launch with the pill.

When we figure that out Marchmain tries to crash the ship. Nash has Serithaz put Prix in the cube formerly in Marhmain’s skull and Prix takes over the ship in time to prevent us crashing and exploding.

We proceed to one of the airlock close to the central hub/biome.

Nash prays to Lysander the AI and is told there are friendlies in the area and to get to the biome and the friendly AIs will get us to the location of Xenotel’s computer.

We find two storage rooms with 4 dwarf sized and 2 man sized space suits. The two drafe engineers came with us and Bavmorda take dwarf sized suits. Laris and Lambertus each take a suit.

Next are two doors labelled quartermaster. We enter one and Serithaz detects an automaton. Rallion slips off his mind blocking ring and tries to use the gold circlet to control it, and falls unconscious. Nash heals him as the other rush to fight a berserker automaton.

-The automaton pummels Bavmorda and Laris and Kauri pummel it with magic missiles. There is a desk with two drawers and an interface on its -surface, but we have not interacted with the desk, and need to search it when the fight it over. –

Session 37-42 Experience and Summary

Session 37-42 Experience and Summary

(It’s been a while since I actually tallied this up, so I apologise if I have missed anything.)

From the Frostleaf Clanhold to the Catacombs of Ancient Orcharest, the party has explored from forest to valley to subterrainean farmland. Battling goblin, ogre and stranger, they now stand in the chamber of what they believe to be the Soulforged Collossus, a mythical god-like weapon of prehistory.

There, they fought to keep the Seer, lieutenant of the Enchantress, from removing the seals put in place by the by the fallen Orc Empire.

Items and Money

– Gromash’s Battleaxe, 1000xp

– 2 Healing Potions (1 used), 200xp

– Unknown Potion (Bright Green, Sparkling)

– 11 Holy Symbols/Talismans (Representing Thymir the Storm Titan, the Enchantress and the Seer)

– 3 Greater Healing Potions

– Assorted Magical Components

– 4 Ogre Warchieftain Longswords (Magical Greatswords for Medium Creatures)

– 8 Ogre Battleaxes (Would be Halberds for Medium)

– 11 Ogre Greatbows (Unwieldable for Medium)

– Assorted Goblin Weaponry

– 3 Quivers of Crude Arrows

– Numerous Skins of Water and Ale.

– Numerous Ration Packs

– Several Wooly Rhino Steeds with full saddle gear

Total: 1200xp

Monsters Slain

– Storm Elemental, 3280xp

– 2 Manticores, 1562xp

– 10 Warg Riders, 117xp

– 10 Wargs, 700xp

– 5 Ogre Seer-Acolytes, 3500xp

– 2 Ogre Warchiefs, 470xp

– 11 Ogre Archers, 1815xp

– 8 Ogre Warriors, 1400xp

– 8 Goblin Soldiers, 112xp

– 3 Dark Stalkers, 681xp

– 12 Dark Creepers, 720xp

– 9 Ogre Cavalrymen, 1530xp

– 9 Goblin Archers, 130xp

Total XP: 16017XP

Experience Roundup

Total Party Experience: 17217XP

Per PC: 1565XP

With Bonus: 1722XP

Otiben: Fighter-861XP/Assassin-783XP


Puk, Goblin Hound Rider Extraodinaire, has reached the final stage of his evolution! He now counts as a Goblin Chieftain, and given time with unaligned and significantly weak Goblins may start forming his own warband or tribe. He also appears a little taller?

His stats will work as following:

Armour Class: 4 (with Leathers)

Hit Dice: 2

Hit Points: 12

Attacks: 1 (+1 non-magical bonus to damage)

Charisma: 4. (Counts as 16 for Goblins, 14 for Hobgoblins and Bugbears.)

Special: Cavalryman. (See House Rules)

Moves Silently, Hides in Shadows and Climbs as 3rd Level Thief.

Infravision 60ft

Sunblind (-1 to hit in Sunlight.)

25% Chance to spot new/unusual construction in caves.

Language: Goblin, Common, Basic Ogre.

SESSION 42 – July 8, 2018

SESSION 42 – July 8, 2018

The battle continues…

We manage to deal with the goblins and wolves on the balcony passageway.

Batukhan got to the room the orcs feared, and saw a relatively fresh body (the friendly wizard with the ring?). Ignoring the body he opened the barred doors to the “control room” that is the source of the iron golems that appeared once a brazier was extinguished. Further, there were two groups of six stone bulls, each group of 6 controlled by a glass orb that is part of a pedastal. Batukhan touched the orb and directed the 1st group to attack. He then directed teh second group to go after the Seer.

Urman and Otiben went to the far end of the balcony hallway where Urman had tied a rope and climbed down to get closer. Urman got in position behind a massive pillar and was ready to do something, but the Seer moved in response to attacks by bulls, and took flight.

Otiben jumped on one of the bulls and was able to attack and wound the Seer. The seer rose higher and out of any melee range.

Those still on the balcony continued to deal with the wolves.

Once the wolves were dealt with, Puk and Ygtitte took up positions behind pillars to guard the nearest brazier. Archers dropped Ygritte. Zho Ni and Embrek went to the rope to climb down.

Urman charged into the middle of a group of Ogres and goblins that were the Seer’s honor guard. He blared away on the Horn of Fear, and most fled. This led to the Seer fleeing and yelling for her minions to continue their efforts to be “rewarded by The Enchantress.” Upon seeing her flee, in addition to so many of the other flee from the Horn of Fear, many failed their morale.

Urman was grappled by an ogre, but Otiben rescued him.

Urman used the Horn of Fear multiple times to further reduce the odds.

Zho Ni dispelled some sort of elemental that managed to drop one of the golems right before the elemental was dispelled.

Finally, between the remaining stone bulls, iron golem, and 10 orcs who can running when Gunnar went for help arrived and came down the rope and were able to help Zho Ni and Embrek and Otiben finish off the ogres on the brazier where the elemental had finished off the golem.

Batukhan rushed back and gave the stone bulls direction before they could attack the party.

All enemies were dead or fled. Urman looked at one of the braziers where its golem had been defeated, and the symbols indicate binding and protection, facing into the circle towards the colossus. The crumbled braziers faded. Perhaps they will be renewed and return to do their job.

The doors where the Ogres entered were shut and barred from the inside. the doors the goblins used to get up on the balcony where shut and barred. We are now keeping an eye out for the ogres and goblins that ran towards the caves of the orcs, and are gathering the items on the dead shamen. Urman will collect trophies from each, such as necklaces and rattles, and any other sign of their office. Any thing we can use to rest and heal, we will.

We will retrieve the wounded Ygtitte, and Urman’s bodyguards, all felled by arrows. Grik bled out, but was not to be trusted, as he was a true believer.

We will resume our quest with the aftermath of the battle.

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 208 (7/4/18):

Bookkeeping Notes, Session 208 (7/4/18):

– We will continue at 7:06PM on the 19th of Nonrilden with the party having just returned from escorting Nadreat Ironhand to the upper control room

– Silent and Deadly: Bavmorda, Decapitating Zombies with a Trident

– We can unlock the door, don’t worry!: Rallion, Whose Ends Justify the Means

– Saving the Downtrodden, Like Ronan Before Him: Nash, Greythane Rescuer

– Almost Ran Out of Juice: Kauri, Whose Lightning was Barely Enough

– Making Short Work of Locks (Except when He Didn’t): Laris, Burglering Zombies

– Hanging Out with a Mad Archmage’s Automata: Axelbot, Robot Ambassador

– Another Damn Chest? My Poor Lower Back!: Oskar, Pack Lizard

– The apocalypse clock is winding down; it now reads:!!


Treasure Gained, Session 208 (7/4/18):

Treasure Gained, Session 208 (7/4/18):

– 80GP

– Gold Necklace with Small Translucent Green Gemstone

– Two Translucent Red Gemstones

– Two Small Wooden Chests (Unopened)

PC Shares (GP and XP): 16XP*

* Henchmen should get appropriate share from relevant PC


SESSION 208 – July 4, 2018

SESSION 208 – July 4, 2018

We made it up to the level of the lower doors and wizard locked the door that led to the stairs.

We avoided a group of infected at the base of the stairs at that level using the drone to bang into the walls.

We ascended the 10 levels of stairways finding a few isolated infected, and taking them out. At one point Laris spied a family of dwarves who the infected dragged off and we could not save them.

We made it to the top level and cleared a path to the command center. We got Nadreat Ironhand to the command center and he had carried food and water. Rallion locked the door and told him we could open it from the ship once we get to the station.

We rescued three dwarves of the Graythane clan and made it back to the ship.

Axelbot reported that Jax sent some of his automatons to find out if we were still alive.

We have one more day and the ship should be ready to launch.

SESSION 207 – June 27, 2018

SESSION 207 – June 27, 2018

The ship was repaired and Bavmorda and Laris did a week of training.

We cleared the infected from the base of the stairs via lightning bolts from Kauri and made a plan to get Nadreat Ironhand to the control room to open the outer doors when he sees the inner doors open.

SESSION 41 – July 1, 2018

SESSION 41 – July 1, 2018

We continue into the shrine/temple/binding area. We go down the stairs and look to see what is down here. We find a temple/shrine area and find healing potions, a mystery potion, and a magic battle axe.

While investigating this series of rooms, the ogres show up and use stone shape to block us from keeping them out of the giant room with the colossus.

We run up and around the stairs and Urman starts blasing with a fireball while the others pepper shaman with arrows. Groups of shaman and support troops of ogres surround each brazier and begin chanting.

Between the silence Zho Ni cast on one shaman, and a second fireball, Urman dropped one shaman.

We continued to press the attack and Urman dropped another shaman with a lightning bolt. A few ogre archers shot back and dropped one of Urman’s body guards. Batukhan was hit by several arrows.

Urman managed to get off his last lightning, severely wounding a shaman. The golbin warg riders came up behind us and we ran, but another henchman was dropped, the goblin Grik the still friendly to ogres was dropped, and Urman was badly wounded. Otiben dropped some of the goblins and the riderless wolves engaged Puk and Ygritte.

Urman ran for cover while gulping a healing potion, and Zho Ni healed him for more. Puk and Ygritte failed to drop their opponents. Otiben dropped the rest of the goblins, and Rip hit the wolf on Puk.

The shaman managed to disable the fires in two of the braziers revealing two protective golems. The shaman from those braziers went to the braziers where we had killed shaman, more goblins showed up in addition to the Seer with her entourage of more ogres.

Batukhan ran to the area where the orcs warned was something dangerous. He is hoping to lead it into the temple to fight the ogres…..