I’ve been working on the background for the monastic order of Ray’s new character. Please note that the document…

I’ve been working on the background for the monastic order of Ray’s new character. Please note that the document linked here is a work in progress; I’m feeling pretty good about the general background information, but some minor details are subject to change. Rahm Benisaeko, I would be particularly interested in any comments you might have about my description of the current state of the monastic order — especially if it doesn’t jive with how you were thinking about your character.

0 Replies to “I’ve been working on the background for the monastic order of Ray’s new character. Please note that the document…”

  1. 20140911: Edited final part of historical overview to reflect the idea that the order’s current pilgrimage is about both engaging with the world and finding a new location for their monastery. I’ve also added sections for beliefs, hierarchy, and common ceremonies and will draft something for those this weekend.

  2. Rahm Benisaeko Maybe? I can never tell if that means private to the person I’m tagging into the conversation or private to the community as a whole. If it’s something that really needs to be private, just email me (carlson@medievalprof.com).

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