Axel and Thorfus’s (roll d4: 1-2 Excellent; 3-4 Bogus) Adventure in Midmark

Axel and Thorfus’s (roll d4: 1-2 Excellent; 3-4 Bogus) Adventure in Midmark

1. Thorfus and Axel depart Kaligan late in the afternoon of the 13th of Denrilden, arriving in Midmark after sundown without incident. There was a quick scare just before reaching the Tarwater Harbor, though, when the Bawdy Bachelor seemed to hit something very large (ominous shuddering and creaking from below decks); this was accompanied by Thorfus and Axel simultaneously experiencing the strong feeling that someone was watching them – although neither could spot anything unusual.

2. Given the hour of their arrival, the two dwarves make their way to their townhouse behind the Cock & Bull Tavern in the Outlander district. The only excitement on their journey there is stumbling across a vicious fight involving five dogs – four half-starved strays savagely mauling an older native woman’s pet; she begs Thorfus and Axel to intervene [I will need your response].

3. Elspeth at the Cock & Bull is delighted to see you, quickly handing over the key to the townhouse and assuring the dwarves that she has kept the place safe during the group’s absence. She is sorry to hear that Baldric’s Boys are not coming back for a longer stay – and to report that Faldspar has been gone the last few days after receiving word that an elf matching Tarion’s description was trying to sell a life-like piece of garden statuary depicting an oversized warrior caught in the midst of a strike against some foe. He hasn’t returned since then to the townhouse. Thorfus and Axel spend the night safe and comfortable in the townhouse – confirming that the treasure left under the floorboards is safe [Let me know if you are retrieving anything].

4. The next morning, the two travel just up the road to Roland’s jewelry shop. As usual, he pops up beside them almost magically as soon as they enter the shop. He is delighted to see some of his best customers return, excitedly sharing news about his newfound success since becoming secretary of the jeweler’s guild in Midmark. In fact, he is preparing to close up his shop in the Outlander district and move to High Market (near Aldous’s bookshop). He offers the dwarves 700GP for the two turquoise gems, which he identifies as Aquamarine stones [Let me know if you accept his offer or haggle].

5. After Roland’s, Thorfus and Axel continue on to Newtown in order to inform Em’s parents about what the group has discovered. They are delayed, though, upon discovery that the gate into Newtown is closed due to rioting by islanders after the discovery of Arden Grell’s perfidy. These riots were apparently quite bloody, leading to the deaths of several guardsmen including Captain Hendrick Gosprend (who was left strung up near the canals). Thorfus and Axel finally speak to the acting captain, Edony Shadelok (one of the guards interrogated by the party after the mayor’s assassination), and convince her to let them into the slums. She says to take care in Newtown to not exacerbate the current tensions, reminding the two about what happened with the underground press.

Once in Newtown, the dwarves hurry to the apartment of Honora and Henry Wystow (Em’s parents). There is a moment of danger when a small group of toughs begins to tail them, but the ruffians lose interest after getting a better look at Thorfus and Axel’s weaponry. Honora and Henry are happy to see the dwarves and begin sobbing from a combination of joy and grief upon hearing what they’ve learned about Em’s fate. They beg the Starchie Boyz to continue their search for Em, attempting to give the dwarves a small bag of coins and promising that they can get more if that’s what it takes for the group to rescue their daughter. [Do Thorfus and Axel take the purse?]

6. After extracting themselves with as much grace as possible from the meeting with Em’s parents, Thorfus and Axel make their way back out of Newtown and then grab a cart ride up into High Market to visit with Aldous Runnelbrook – on the way out of Newtown, they encounter a bereft man seeking someone to take vengeance on a traveling apothecary selling fake potions that killed his wife [let me know if you want to follow-up on this]. They make their way via the harbor, stopping to see if Ir’Alle is available at the World Forge Community House, but find that he left for Xenilum’Khel a couple of weeks previously but that his ship was lost before arriving in Vargen. He is assumed dead at this point.

With that heavy news, the dwarves make their way to Aldous’s shop. Aldous is happy to see them – and their dwarven tapestries. He is willing to pay 500GP each for the two pieces of art (or 700GP + an item identification, if that is more agreeable [let me know if you accept either of these offers]). He remarks on the fact that it has long been known that winged dragons were enemies of the dwarven empire, but that these pieces are the only depictions of their wars that he has seen.

7. At this point it is late afternoon on the 14th of Denrilden and Thorfus and Axel are in High Market. Nearby are Lord Thornton’s estate and the Ark Cathedral (Galron and Kilmar’s last known location). You can also head down to the harbor and board the Bawdy Bachelor – although Amis Junkyn will want to wait until the morning to leave. Please let me know your response to the questions above in the square brackets and anything else you will like to do before returning to Kaligan. Follow-up questions/actions on anything above are also fine.

0 Replies to “Axel and Thorfus’s (roll d4: 1-2 Excellent; 3-4 Bogus) Adventure in Midmark”

  1. I would like to intervene with the dogs, distracting the strays away with non-lethal attacks (perhaps using my shield), and dropping rations.

    At the townhouse, I will withdraw 600gp from my chest.

    Happy to accept Roland’s offer. He’s always been fair to us. Congratulate him on the promotion.

    I refuse the reward from Honora and Henry, explaining that is has become a matter of honour for us to return Em to her home. This is one job we will do for free.

    Ir’Alle is dead? O.o Oh damn. That said, I will pen a letter to my father on the off-chance Ir’Alle does make his way to Xenilum’Khel.

    The tapestries are party money, which is why Axel brings money, but I would like to ask Aldous to identify both my sword and chainmail if possible. If this takes the two days, and Thorfus is fine to stay, I will return, but if not, just the armour.

    Shorter session might be a good idea, and I’m fine for either date, just not free until after 6pm your time on the Tueday.

  2. John Carlson Antony Nicklin – I am cool to start a bit early, to take care of this list.

    1.) I think we should ask Aldus about prevention of mind reading. Lead-lined helmets?

    2.) We are heroes, what do you think Antony Nicklin ? The last thing I want is to get mangled before a possible fight.

    3.) We should find out about the “statue”. The last thing we need is that poor guy ending up on display. We could always leave him, as long as we know where he is. Maybe let Aldus know and see if he can do anything, or at least keep tabs on it?

    We should peek in on Desric and let him know we should be heading to the tomb soon.

    4.) I think we should accept the gold. He has always pointed us in the right direction before.

    5.) Thorfus will not accept the purse. Our reward will be bringing her back to you.

    6.) While I want to help, if we keep helping everyone we meet, we’ll never get to the ruins. 

    Ir’Alle dead, or at least presumed so. I would want to know he name of the ship.

    We should ask Aldus about the “electrum” coins. I am not as concerned to identify a potion. I’m more in need of the XP.

    I think we should ask Aldus about the “egg” and see if he can tell us anything, since he may have seen them in action.

    7.) I think we should let Thornton know of the platinum coins we have found and if he wants to buy them. (Perhaps we can ask Aldus about those too.)

    Asking after Galron and Kilmar might not hurt.

    Of course, we should run into Uthruk and bring him back with us.

    I used up my rations feeding the freed prisoners, so I will want two more weeks.

    I would also see if I can purchase more healing potions.

    With all of the weapons and armor that we found in the fort, I think we should take them to Midmark and sell them. Only arrows and other things we can use should be kept. I’m thinking both money and XP for those.

    If we need to stock up on bolts for crossbows or anything else for the others, we should do it.

  3. Anti-mind reading helmets is good.

    I’m not trying to get hurt with the dogs, even with Axel’s youthful confidence. He’ll just be trying to make a lot of noise and scare them off, and if not a few quick smacks and some tossed food.

    Oh god, didn’t catch the statue reference there. Damnit Tarion! Yeah, possibly chase that up where we can. I just hope this is a case of mistaken intentions and the elf is trying to get him cured.

    No help with the apothecary, if he’s travelling we won’t find him easy, though Axel would like to make note of the name just in case.

    Agreed on everything else I think.

  4. Okay — let’s meet a half hour before the regular session to resolve anything complicated (e.g., the dog fight). Here are some responses:

    1) Aldous listens to your concerns about mind-reading and ponders the question as you sit having tea in the front area of his bookshop. He says that a means to block the Devil Fishes’ powers would be great, but that the Midmark navy has not had any luck yet (this information came to him directly from his nephew many-time-removed Ardwine Thornton, so he believes it to be true). He wishes that there was more help he could provide and encourages you to experiment and share the results with Midmark’s government.

    2) We can resolve the dog fight issue Wednesday.

    3) Over a late dinner at the Cock & Bull, Elspeth says that she doesn’t know where Faldspar was going to check on this rumor about Tarion. When he left, he didn’t act like he expected to be gone very long – but that was three days ago and there has been no sign of him since then.

    4) Done. Add the gold/xp to your character sheets (800gp divided by 6.5)

    5) Honora and Henry finally accept your decision to not take the purse, but ask you to promise them that you will do everything in your power to bring Em back home to them.

    6) The apothecary’s name was Gundesalbus Wyvell; he claimed to be from Vargen. The ship on which Ir’Alle disappeared was called The Yellow Harpy, captained by Remi Stirtevaunt out of Midmark. Ghandri Tombshatterer, the ambassador from Xenilum’Khel to Midmark, was also on the ship. The head cleric, Father Alaire, asks if you could investigate — keeping in mind that the loss of the ambassador is not being made common knowledge.

    6a) Aldous is not familiar with the “electrum” coins, but confirms on the basis of their design and stamp that they are dwarven. He will buy them from you for 2GP each. Aldous has heard of Phoenix Eggs before – there was apparently a plot uncovering several decades ago that involved imperial agents planning to use one to destroy the Ark Cathedral during a high ceremony. Many of the conspirators were captured, but the egg was never found. Finally, Aldous encourages you to see Thornton about the platinum coins.

    7) If you stop at Thornton’s after visiting Aldous, he will be home after a day of politicking. He will honor his offer to buy the platinum coins from you, but will be unsure about an imperial connection given the small number of coins (although he agrees it’s worth keeping an open mind about a possible connection between the slavers and imperial agents). During the conversation, he will keep asking about your opinion of Peter Thorel and the situation in Vargen generally.

    8) Sorry about forgetting Desric – you can stop there before visiting Roland since he’s right across from the Cock & Bull. He will be very surprised to see you, grabbing a pen and paper before exclaiming, “Oh my, are you the spirits of my deceased employees come to haunt me? If so, can you answer some questions about unlife?” He will also ask you to place a piece of flimsy material connected to wires in your mouth and bite down shortly after that exchange [let me know if you agree]. Once that is out of the way, he will ask if you’re still interested in exploring Xen’Khel and when you might be thinking of going there.

    9) Rations can be had at PHB prices from the general store in Desric’s neighborhood. The apothecary around the corner from Desric will have three healing potions for sale (400GP each). Here are the items/treasure from the fort that could be sold – let me know what you take to Midmark from this list and what you already picked up in the dungeon barracks/warehouses/etc.:

    i. Closet A

    1. 5 Spears

    2. 3 Halberds

    3. 7 Short Swords

    4. 4 Brooms

    5. 3 Buckets

    ii. Closet B

    1. 5 Long Swords

    2. 3 Spears

    3. 2 Halberds

    4. 3 Long Bows

    5. 4 Quivers (24 Arrows)

    iii. Barracks

    1. 58GP, 73SP, 15CP (Scattered and in footlockers)

    2. 3 Leather Armors

    3. 2 Large Shields

    4. 10 Short Swords

    5. 5 Short Bows

    6. 7 Quivers (24 Arrows)

    7. Silver Ring

    iv. Kitchen

    1. 2 Barrels Beer

    2. 1 Crate salted pork

    3. 15 Large Sacks flour

    10) You will run into Uthruk just before leaving Midmark. Asking after Galron and Kilmar at the cathedral reveals that they’ve been sent to Newton across the bay to provide assistance to a cleric investigating a plague of undead. They have been gone about a week.

  5. Ask Elspeth if she knows where Faldspar heard the rumour.

    I believe we took all weapons and armour to sell if possible.

    Won’t agree to Desric’s request unless he explains what it is, but will reassure him we still intend to head to Xen’Khel.

    Definitely am fine with selling Platinum to Thornton. Will answer questions about Thorel and Vargen as best as I can.

    Make note to enquire about Gundesablus Wyvell in Vargen with the Mercers.

    Assures Father Alaire that we also would like to know the fate of Ir’Alle, and that I’ve sent correspondance to my father in order to possibly gain more information.

    Did Aldous agree to identify Axel’s sword and chainmail? He pays in full if so.

  6. 1) Elspeth doesn’t know for sure, but Faldspar had been hanging around the Marlborough Gambling Hall down the street and talking with Sthorm (rumored to be an agent of Cutter’s Mad-dogs).

    2) I will calculate the sale price of the total list of weapons/armor taken from Kaligan’s fort; if any other party member is keeping something (spears, Rahm Benisaeko?), let me know.

    3) Desric says the device is something he cooked up for the Midmark’s government, although he’s pretty sure it can determine if someone is a ghost, too.

    4) Aldous says he can definitely identify one item, but is hesitant to do two on back-to-back days because of the physical strain involved in casting the spell.

  7. Chainmail it is then — Aldous takes the two of you into his storeroom after tea, sets everything up on a table, dons the chain mail, and casts Identify. A few minutes later, he informs you that the armor is weakly enchanted, having been infused with a minor fire demon’s essence to protect the wearer. Aldous can also detect that the binding spell was Draconic in origin, a common feature of enchanted imperial equipment. He tells you that the armor is well-made and worth around 3500GP; one word of warning: if the armor is ever broken, there is a chance the fire demon could escape its confinement.

    Desric considers your argument for a moment — during which he tries to surreptitiously pinch you — before conceding that it is, in fact, unlikely that either you or Thorfus are ghosts.

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