Gift Reminder and Session Tweak

Gift Reminder and Session Tweak

First, the reminder: this past holiday, each member of the party received one re-roll that could be used for anything (including HP rolls, Follow Me, And Die!). Also keep in mind that the party as a whole can pick the result of any one roll.

Second, the tweak: The Find Familiar casting last night involved what was essentially a re-roll. Riese Fork, I’m going to count that as Finklemur’s holiday gift.

(Please see the following post for context:

0 Replies to “Gift Reminder and Session Tweak”

  1. Just in case anyone is wondering: while I will be as generous as possible in allowing re-rolls, events that have had a string of repercussions played out in a game session cannot be retroactively changed (e.g., the battery pack cannot be unexploded since we’ve already had the saving throws, damage, the sale to Desric, etc.).

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