session 50 summary re quick overview

session 50 summary re quick overview 

2nd of Anurilden elections held no true change of power third block of harbor guilds

3rd of Anurilden 

Two travelers from Vargen News of a battle Kolbods completely routed, talk of a stone from the Kolbods take was stolen

10gp 30sp payed to parties hirelings in total

Lord Feldenminxus  did well in the battle. Kolbods being hunted in the jungle currently Dorée Ostiler Gray Cloak part of team that took down labor riot from miner’s

Lord Thorten head of the Gray Cloaks may become head magistrate  

4th of Anurilden After much travel I finally arrived at the Broken Oar I Bard heard about the party got into a short archery contests with an orc named Uthruk, talked with Thorfus reach a deal to help guide them after helping clear out a old imperial fort met the entire party of Starchy Boys. 

6th of Anurilden (January) 525th year of the end of the occupation 

We went into the fort one trap went off nothing in it and I began my first dungeon investigation. I helped open a secret door and showed up Uthruk found three chest of coins found a sliver chain with a ivory amulet which I put on, and two Ivory scroll cases one with a letter from Inquisitor Malkum  the other with  a scroll of monster summoning (lvl3). We also found a robes with many patches that will transform. Explored the hidden hallway found a hidden passage close to a set of stairs caused a chicken to returned to as a zombie a chicken pole-arm.  Went up the stairs and fought a pair of scorpions. Bard got knocked out trying to grapple one of them. The party did defeat them while I was unconscious and found a suit of chain mail and a bunch of robes.  We found a couple magical items not as many as the party hoped. I help the party as much as possible opening doors checking underground waterways.

0 Replies to “session 50 summary re quick overview”

  1. That’s a fine summary, Jacob. It’s worth 150xp for Bard. A couple of quick corrections (mostly concerned with those news items from abroad received before Bard arrived in Kaligan — the adventure summary was fine):

    1. Elections in Vargen left the power balance largely the same, although there may now be a third block of guilds independent from the Bargemen and Mercers (all the harbor guilds)

    2. Lord Anduril was elected Lord Mayor in Midmark; his only opposition was one of the organizers of the New Town islander strikes; Thornton convinced the High Council to disqualify him, though. There was some rioting, but the watch and Grey Cloaks put down the protests easily.

    3. Lord Feldenminxus was the leader of the kobold force routed in a battle at the ford; Adelard, a former NPC companion of the party, led the forces from Vargen against the kobolds.

    4. It wasn’t a trap when they entered the fort, but rather a trapdoor allowing the party to see down into the lower levels (although there was nothing to be seen).

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