Session 52 – April 15, 2015

Session 52 – April 15, 2015

Noon the 7th of Aurilden we concluded our review of the items from our last foray into the depths. We learned all we could about the books and other papers, and the tapestries.

We got a script for 150 GP for each book we sell to the brotherhood. We can cash it in at any temple of Baldric. The tenth book, “The Art of Shadow Stepping”, we will sell to the order once Chuq has learned what he can of stepping between the seams of reality, or so Master Dane says.

The morning of the 8th of Anurilden we made our last foray into the pit of death.

I write this grim reminder of our final success in clearing the sub-basement of the fortress at Kaligan. The newest member of our party, the young and brave, Bard, was slain while so very near our goal of ending the evil plague of the undead continuing to rise.

I myself nearly drowned following that in my quest to fulfill our word of clearing the fortress for Midmark.

I dislike making yet another deal with a devilfish, or “ancestor” of the devilfish. It had the power to generate an illusion, keep the slayer of the merman king’s son alive for torment these past 50 years, and to continually raise those slain in its zone of influence.

Axel convinced this thing that he would return it to its family. I hope he is lying. Something with this much power for evil must be destroyed. I feel that we should let the representatives from Midmark know this.

In our last foray into this place of death, we found some strange mold that Bard burned. Then we found five skeletons that we easily dispatched.

Finally, we encountered the flooded docks in the cave that had one end collapsed.

In this cave we found two sunken sailboats, a giant crocodile that we did not slay fast enough to prevent its tail from breaking Bard’s back and slaying him instantly. We then had the harried job of tying up the crocodile and hauling out Bard’s body. We got Bard’s body past the zone of influence, stripped it of his gear and built a funeral pyre, over which Brice said a few words.

Thankfully, we had the ox and the capstan to haul out the crocodile and drag it away so we could burn it.

We returned to the flooded boat docks and the merman just kept telling us:

Welcome, surface dwellers. Look upon the vengeance of Mascalus, heir to King Nemistus of the Merfolk. Interlopers from across the wide sea murdered my beloved brother and now they suffer here for their crime. Take heed of this lesson and flee this place before you share in the eternal misery of these malefactors.

On the rock was an idol like that foul idol we found in the dwarven tombs/bath houses under Midmark that held Baldric’s gem. Also there was the man who killed the merman king’s son, kept alive to be tormented by this giant white crocodile tearing off his legs. He begged us to kill him.

This idol spoke in our minds and did not trust me, and rightfully so. Axel convinced it that he means to return it to its people. I hope it is not true. I feel that we should not do this. this idol waved off the merman illusion, let the assassin die, and things quit coming back to life. 

Axel put the idol in a sack and carried it with him.

We used the light of the magic lighted Starchy Boyz pin to find the glint of a few gold pieces in the boat room.

We then went to the storeroom for the kitchen and encountered some seaweed. It grabbed my ten foot pole, but I wrenched it away. I used all my oil to try and burn it. Axel used some of his oil. Axel slew a bunch of it, but one of the other patches grabbed me and pulled me in the water, nearly drowning me. Thankfully, Axel and Finklemur took care of it. Axel and Finklemur then took care of the last patch of this strangle weed. Brice and Uthruk patched me up. We found copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins in this room, and a large black pearl.

A small bit a loot to complete our promised task. Hopefully the favor this earns us, plus the right to stay here when we need to makes up for our losses.

Is my dream that seems to match Brice’s just my mind playing tricks on me? Dare I share this with the others? I mentioned it to Brice, and she seems to know about it. However, I am concerned about Brice, with what we received in the letter to Axel.

We finally seem ready to head to Xen Khel. How many more of our number will fall? Will I die or lose my mind first? Will I ever have peaceful dreams again?

0 Replies to “Session 52 – April 15, 2015”

  1. Very nice summary — that’s 750xp for Thorfus. It will be interesting to see how the party handles the statue and Axel’s promise to it; I imagine there will be interesting consequences no matter what the group decides. I hadn’t actually considered the possibility ahead of time that you guys would end the curse non-violently (and avoid another difficult battle).

  2. We could, but Axel won’t figure it a matter of honour going back on his word when Devilfish are involved. That said, he’s still wondering what he could get out of them should I do choose to hand it over it’s children. He’s a yong dwarf, and remembers Finklemur getting rewarded for the book and Baldric’s gem.

    There may be a touch of greed running through his mind…

  3. What, what, what ?!?!

    Man I missed a great session. If I didn’t have a mortgage, I’d leave my job. 

    Confused about the Merfolk/Devilfish connection. The idol cast an illusion that made it look like a merman and not a devil fish? or the assassin a merman?

    This idol has the power to grant immortality or just animate the dead?

    If the former, the idol should be prepared to renegotiate terms.

    The power to grant immortality would make the idol a strategic asset in our region. An asset the leadership of MidMark should have an interest. Know what I’m saying? 

  4. There are certainly some unanswered questions about the ancestor idol and the exact relationship between the devil fish, merfolk, and imperials — Axel established, though, that it was responsible both for the regeneration of undead, the assassin’s apparent immortality, and the illusion of the merman who greeted anyone entering the chamber.

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