Session 68 August 5, 2015

Session 68 August 5, 2015

7:40 am 4th of Galrilden.

The party is strewn all the way from the elevator locker room through the demolished gallery pedestal room along the connecting southern microwave airlock pass the portal octagon, the western microwave airlock and it’s adjoining administrative hallway and finally what appears to be a security office. Belroar and Finkelmur can see Axel, Chuq and Thorfus recovering from their melee with Power Armored undead Dwarven security officer through the window in the administrative hallway. The three are scrumaging among the debris and furnishing piled over the elevator in the NE corner of the security office. Axel and Thorfus secure the power armor as Chuq examines the doors to the north and west in the office. 

Meanwhile in the administrative hallway, Shadows cast by the floor lighting coalesce into humanoid shapes! The Shadows move threateningly towards the Boys in the administrative hallway. At about the same time a ground shaking rumble is felt and heard from beyond the closed door to the portal octagon. 

Fitz watches on in horror as a column of flame erupts from the floor of the portal octagon engulfing the space previously occupied by Alick de la Porte, Arus, Filthas and Recusson. The flame cracks and buckles the ceiling as the flame rush upwards. Swept up by the thermals, the victims’ ashes rain down on a mortified Fritz and a chanting Haranth. Realizing we are betrayed, Fritz lets fly with a Sleep Spell. Haranth shrugs off the attack.

In the administrative hallway, Zelina is felled by a shadowy attacker. They are not affected by normal weapons and resist natural and magical light. Working as a team, the Boys with magic weapons safeguard their compatriots. As one shadow after another is vanquished, we realize all are dwarven in shape. Possibly more of Derick’s work… 

Owyn, Laurente and Talon notice the action in portal octagon through the arrow slits. They rush to the octagon, surrounding Haranth. Each attempt to strike the bastard is a focused act of will. Haranth’s dwoemer keeps him alive the whole time the Boys are engaging the shadow. Fitz dashes to the west microwave airlock to alerts the Boys in the Administrative hallway about Haranth’s betrayal. We are still mopping up the shadows as he arrives.

In the portal octagon, Haranth says a command to Talon. Our loyal sergeant of arms side steps, allowing Haranth to dart away to the south. Uthruk, Chuq, Belroar, Grip and Fang pursue Haranth past the dead giant lizard, through the southern door and the shimmering blue portal into the jungles of northeastern MidMark.

Haranth is spry for an old guy, it takes some time to overtake him. All the same, Grip makes sure this was Haranth’s last day on Earth. It wasn’t necessary his god’s fangs but his life did end the way he wanted. For good measure, Talon delivered the coup de grace.

Catching our breath over the lifeless Haranth, Uthruk explains he is ready to parts ways with us. Belroar and Chuq express their regrets to see him go. Uthruk patches up Chuq one last time and wanders off into the foliage. 

Back at the Xen Khel research base, Zelina is stabilized while Thorfus and Axel organize the Mercs. The party loot carried by Haranth’s victim’s is recovered, some is intact and some coins are melted slag. It’s doled out amongst the survivors. Unfortunately, there is nothing left of their bodies to recover. Not even bones or teeth!

The Power Armored undead dwarf had a Copper security key about his neck. We use it to activate portal in the octagon. All together, the Boys return to the temple below Xen Khel.

The quick eyed Belroar notices heavy dwarven strided foot prints that approach the portal arch. They all go towards the portal, none return. Thorfus uses his portal stone and copper key to deactivate the portal chair. We hope this will strand those Dwarves on the other side. Before leaving, he confirms the throne is deactivated by attempting to use the portal stone only. The throne was unresponsive. No one else should be leaving this way either. 

The Boys begin the march to the surface. We send Socrates to scout the hall of pillars before us. He reports that there are signs of battle in the hall. We approach in force expecting trouble. Belroar deduces that a dozen dwarves were involved in the fracas. He also notices marks of a large snake contemporary with the battle. He is confident these dwarven foot prints are different than those about the portal throne room.

Thorfus uses the scrying mask. All he learns is that Xen Khel is currently shrouded by clouds at this time. Now we have a choice to make. Return the way we came, knowing full well that our agreement with Marhmain has not been honored OR seek out the potentially wounded and angry Naga to conduct our pre arranged parley after apologizing for being late OR slip out via the Raptor route. Which will it be?

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