Just a few alterations to existing items:

Just a few alterations to existing items:

Berserker’s Blade

-Activating this weapon doubles the effect of attacking aggressively, from +1 to hit and -2 AC, to +2 to hit and -4 AC. Additionally, an extra +2 will be added to the damage roll.

(This comes from me re-reading John’s house rules. I also thought extra damage fit the weapon better, as a payoff for the AC decrease.)

Healing Salve

This paste can be applied to a wound out of combat. Application takes a turn, allowing for proper dressing and the salve to soak into the skin. Each application heals 1d4+1 HP. Additionally, it Slows Poison as if cast by a second level cleric. Only one application may be allowed per day.

(This is to make the item a little less convoluted, and a little more useful.)

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