Foulque Drinkpani

Foulque Drinkpani

– Leader of a Caravan taking supplies between Xen’Khel and Vargen.

Gifforde Pypemoller

– Captain of a Silver Throne militia band heading to Xenilum’Khel. Found Spider-Gorilla’s alongside Starchie Boyz at barge-landing. Believes that the Devilfish inhabiting the river can be paid off with offerings of gold.

Wyschardus Gyor

– Punter’s Guild member and captain of a barge for ferrying people and equipment up the Khelwater.


– Devilfish currently inhabiting the Khelwater. Seems to hold some sway over his kin, and knows the Starchy Boyz from a previous encounter. His group seem to have control of a River Dragon, likely utilising the stolen orb gathered by Barnier Brockett, and essentially rule the river. Doesn’t think much of Araqiel.


– Harbour Master for the Punters in East Harbour.

Bitter Horse

– Ship of the Midmark navy. Docked at Vargen’s East Harbour during Grell’s attack and the attempt on Thorel’s life.

Cpt. Evenwod – Captain of the Bitter Horse.

Leering Sheriff – Ship in the Midmark Navy. Admiral Dyconson used it to investigate the waters around Kalligan for Grell. The ship was destroyed and turned into a floating bomb by the pirate, set at the Bitter Horse in Vargen’s East Harbour.

0 Replies to “Foulque Drinkpani”

  1. Nice to see some more of these entries — these are worth 640XP for Canis (20XP * 4th Level * 8 entries). I’m not sure if the players’ spreadsheet is still being updated, but you can add these entries there if it is.

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