Agmar’s Folly Plan of Attack

Agmar’s Folly Plan of Attack

(The plan as it stands, will edit for corrections.)

1) Chuqray will scout the bay from underwater.

2) Using the sunrise as cover, the fleet will approach.

3) The circus will shadowstep to the top of the rock pillar and clear out any sentrys.

4) Leaving Canis behind as support, everyone else jumps to Grell’s ship.

5) Circus captures Grell and/or ship.

5) The Bitter Horse attacks from the north whilst half the fleet blocks the south.

6) Navy and Canis destroy/disable Grell’s fleet to protect party.

7) ???

8) Profit!

This is what I remember anyway. Discuss! 😀

0 Replies to “Agmar’s Folly Plan of Attack”

  1. By the way, for spells I was thinking I would memorise Warp Wood, Obscurement, Call Lightning and Water Breathing.

    WW and CL to deal with ships. Obscure to help the fleet and WB gives me an escape option.

    That fills my 2nd and 3rd slots. 1st Level will just be a mix of Faerie Fire and Entangle, though I’ll take a Speak with Animals so I can send a Pigeon to tell Chuq something if it becomes important.

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