I always intended my setting to highly magical, with spirits running amock and wizards able to enchant simple items…

I always intended my setting to highly magical, with spirits running amock and wizards able to enchant simple items at the very least. This was best represented with the Urdjan Academy, with Headmaster Andros being the one who creates all the Knight’s scythes and faerie lamps.

This isn’t exactly possible using the existing rules, as he is neither the required level or has died from the loss of Consitution the base rules can require (depending on luck of course).

It took some time to find rules I thought applicable, and have altered them slightly, but with Urman approaching Level 3, I thought it was about time should he wish to ustilise the option. I’ll probably update this later with altered rules for scroll creation, including Clerical scrolls.

3 Replies to “I always intended my setting to highly magical, with spirits running amock and wizards able to enchant simple items…”

  1. Knew I could count on your input for things like this. 😛

    I hadn’t thought about Light, but it must’ve been in my mind subconciously.

    Honestly, the basis I used for this allowed even first levels to create items. That said, there is some effort to balance this, it’s just that a lot of it is ‘behind the screen’.

    Item level plays a part, and trying to create higher level items than your own character level ups the difficulty. The rest is on the DM, and how readily available items are, and some would require quests in and of themselves to procure. Esoteric or multiple effects up the difficulty too.

    If you recall the Sunstone you got from Lady Ironwood’s lab, I left tidbits that she’d devoted months to research and bankrupted the remains of her house, all for a crystal with ‘Light’, an on/off switch and the growth effect.

    The idea is that even lower-level items could need even a thousand or so GP worth of materials and labour, and it gets exponential from there. The time and cost factor are their own balancing mechanic. Higher level magic items could take 2-3 months of research time, something you can’t really do whilst adventuring.

    Like any other skill, you kinda have to level this up, gaining character XP, gathering materials, collecting knowledge for research, putting together a laboratory, even building a circle of advisors and apprentices.

    Artifact level items would be a whole different ball game. I’ve got vague ideas revolving around large-scale ritual castings to create them, and others would need nothing short of divine intervention, but that is so far beyond anything right now.

    On that note, holy items so far seem about right to me, at least for water. I want to take into account ‘Holy Artifacts’, but to my mind, they are things that usually appear in desperate moments, at the call of a God for their champion.

    That said, there’s still time before our next game, and like the cavalry rules before, I’ll likely tweaks things as I go.

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