Automata Run Amok: Alpha Copy

Automata Run Amok: Alpha Copy

Attached is a first draft of my little adventure booklet based on this campaign’s introductory adventure. It has only been proofed a few times and the artwork/maps either don’t exist or have not been loaded. However, feel free to download a copy and let me know if you see anything wrong. Right now, besides further corrections, I’m thinking of adding some more unique treasure and then maybe a section discussing those items.

0 Replies to “Automata Run Amok: Alpha Copy”

  1. I’ve updated the file — the spaces for the maps are slightly larger, although I stuck with the two column design for now. I also added some references in the keys to a random table for minor magic items (to be written and appended to the end of the document) in order to make the loot more interesting.

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