Session 23 – November 27, 2016

Session 23 – November 27, 2016

Zho Ni made a deal and trained for 4th level.

While Zho Ni trained, Urman did research and made a new Black Staff inlaid with silvered runes for control, repel, and binding undead. the adder skin is wrapped around it to prevent shape changes from changing shape, and the antler form the undead mount is attached to the top with a spot to hold Urman’s sun stone.

Otiben can’t make more deals for training, but has a lead on a place where there is potential for loot.

Otiben finds an underground fight, and takes out their best fighter with one punch. Our wager is more than bookie could cover, so we make a deal for 5% of all future profits.

Urman suggested going to the mine and dealing with the ghouls to test the staff and see if there is any loot.

We hire 6 miners and buy some tools.

We find 5 buildings and search them.

We find two ghouls and 4 ingots of mithril in a locked warehouse. We learn that the staff prevents the ghouls from approaching it. We drag out the bodies of the ghouls after slaying them and cut them up and burn them.

We enter the mine and slay a bunch of ghouls and an 8 foot tall ghast. The ghast is able to pass the 20′ influence of the staff.

We explore more of the mine and find the ghast nest and find some coin and 3 gems and a magic sword.

We drag out the bodies of the ghouls and ghast and cut them up and burn them.

The dwarf henchman and miners fix up the office building to make it living quarters.

We ended with a discussion of how to proceed, and Urman plans to wait a day and cast continual light on a couple of items so that the miners don’t need to use oil and torches to see in the mine.

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