Book-keeping Notes, Session 135 (12/14/16):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 135 (12/14/16):

– We will start at 7PM on the 24th of Tanrilden with the party lodging at the Twelfth Night Inn, situated in Vargen’s Wall District. The group plans to track down Captain Elisondro of the guard and a mage named Benedictus Sherston who might know something about Kottar’s whereabouts.

– Master of his Adamantine Domain: Thorfus the Castellan

– Randomly Joining Gang Wars: Chuq and Ronan the Ever-Cautious

– Trying to Keep a Low Profile Despite the Above: Axel and Edan the Less Easily Distracted

– Visits to Settlements Ruined by Party’s Actions/Inaction: Two (or three if you count Midmark)

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock: Just about to flip over to!


Session #134

Session #134

Journal Entry: 22nd Of Tel’Renden – Evening.

We’re returning from the quaint resort town of Seabreeze (yes, terribly original) where we successfully recovered the body of the elder Grell despite the fairly vague description and map provided to us by Goldenbollocks.

Before I relate the rest, I must make note of a strange occurrence from the day before. On our way to Seabreeze we found ourselves being shadowed by another ship – a ship without an apparent crew. Suspicious (as we tend to be these days) Chuck and Ronin shadow-step (or should we start calling it conduit-step?) over to investigate after the crew tells us the ship, “The Flaming Princess” ports out of Kaligun and was believed to be involved in the slave trade. We saw little (even through a looking-glass) from our vantage point but Ronin and Chuq told us upon their return that they found no one aboard, no signs of battle, impossible to steer and it was strangely cold on board. Ronin described it as the same chill we encountered in the Grell estate. They cautiously left as crashings sounds were heard below decks. Soon afterwards the ship simply dove under the waves.

Odd, but considering recent events I may have to re-think my belief in ghosts – perhaps – as Kalgunn once hinted add – there may be people trapped within the conduit system or other “in-between” he’s not aware of. One more thing to research should we survive.

Also – during the trip – I managed to investigate the magical items my colleagues recently “acquired” and made good headway on the ship design . For reference: the Jug can create any liquid it is requested to, but I was not able to decipher more I’ll have to try again another day. The net on the other hand was easy to identify (the tag helped) as a Net of Snaring. A rather powerful underwater item obviously meant to be used in conjunction with Chuq’s cloak.

We arrived at Seabreeze earlier this morning and were quickly approached by the harbour-master, Nicoli Snawe, a talkative fellow you quickly lets us know who now own the old Grell vacation home and it’s location. He also warns us that we may not be welcome by many – it seem the younger Grell raided the town leaving survivors to remember that we were to blame for or.

Chuq was more irritable than usual and was quite terse with the man – insisting we not pay for docking fees – frustrated with the delay I payed the man and went on shore.

We followed the directions to the home given to us without incident, passing white sandy beaches we eventually made it to the home.

We were met by the head caretaker (the current owner, a Midmark Admiral I vaguely remember meeting) Lambin de Pontibus. He and Chuq did not get off to a good start – the tension between the two escalated quickly as Chuq tried first to convince Lambin to search the premise, then switched to threats and when he arrested the man and threatened to arrest his family that’s when I had to intervene. I calmed things down, playing the, “we’ve been travelling” card to put Lambin at ease and separate him from Chuq, who was being unreasonable. I know he has a hatred from slavery and although the man did work for a now acknowledged slaver, he was interviewed by the authorities and no charges were laid – that’s no excuse for poor manners.

So as Lambin and I chatted over some tea – where he told me he had sent his son to fetch the authorities. The others managed to locate the coffin as indicated, by a waterfall underneath a marble bench. Within the hour the hole was refilled, sod replaced and marble bench back where it belonged.

With feathers now unruffled and satisfied with our landscaping Lambin extended an invitation to myself to return for a visit – provided we’re alive in a few months, I might take him up on that.

With coffin in tow were head back to the ship and cross the Harbour Master with Lambin’s son and small contingent of security. I quickly stepped in before Chuq (still a little irritable) had a chance to speak and cleared up the obvious misunderstanding and got an answer regarding the strange practice of removing the seaweed from the beach – seems that the wives and mistresses don’t like seeing seaweed on the beach.

After loading the cargo onto the ship we set sail back to Midmark where we’ll be docking in a little while. I imagine we’ll hurry to bring the cargo back to the house in order to exorcise it.

I must prepare – I’ll continue later.


It’s now evening and I’m ready to retire. Well – where to begin?

I guess I’ll begin after we picked up Goldenbollock, and the keys to the estate, and headed towards the home to get this over and done with.

You could feel something strange was in the air that night and we were not disappointed.

Moments after we arrived and Thorfus’ monkeys began to bring Grell’s coffin and Cale’s head into the home, Thorfus loses control of the monkeys and the do is slammed in my face before I can enter.

We followed the procession, looking through the windows, as it travelled through the house and eventually into the basement. That’s when the winds picked up and were able to enter the house.

We all quickly made our way to the basement’s torture room where the grisly procession ended – Grell’s coffin smashed and bones piled in the middle of the room. The monkeys prevented me from moving Grells’ bones, but I was able to pick up and examine the poor girl’s skull, which had a pair of lips burned into its forehead – a mother’s last embrace perhaps?

We quickly decide to bury the skull by the tree and consecrated land on the grounds. I find a foot locker and fill it with some bed stuffing. The monkeys then carry it out to the garden where Ronin and I dig a hole for the poor girl.

After a few words were spoken by each of us we buried Cale in the pouring rain and once done the rain stopped and the monkey’s returned to Thorfus’ control.

We then surveyed the home and secured it, deciding that we’d need someone to manage the place while we continue our work. I have some ideas for that – but we’ll wait for morning.

23’d of Tel’Renden.

My suggestion worked out. I seems the map-maker’s family we rescued during the riots were more than happy to help us.

They’ve agreed to take care of EM and their son has agreed to be hired on as our Steward and get the home back in order for us. We’ve left him with some instructions – particularly the sealing of the torture chamber… we told him to have the wall with the secret entrance to be reinforced/doubled with masonry.

Update to House Rules Document

Update to House Rules Document

I have done my semi-annual update to the house rules document. The revised document is available on the Google Drive. Here are the highlights of the changes:

– During surprise, the acting party can attack once for each segment (rationale: the original rules make surprise more important; I like that now)

– Charges must be straight at targeted enemy (rationale: momentum provides bonus; also, change forces smarter play in terms of movement during combat)

– Grappling rules altered to differentiate classes via # of d6s (rationale: melee-focused classes should be better at grappling than others)

– Grappling rules altered so that dual/multi-class characters add all d6s (rationale: these characters divide their XP already, so they shouldn’t divide the class benefits)

– Attack options (aggressive, etc.) only available to fighter classes (melee weapons) and monks (unarmed) (rationale: melee-focused classes should have a monopoly on melee-focused abilities)

– Added stats for merchant ship (inventory slots, speed)

– Updated spell component price list based on Edan’s known spells

Note on Maps

Note on Maps

Posted on G+ Community and in Mapping Campaign on Roll20:

– City of Vargen (on the Khelwater)

– Known World of Meidia (Pre-Revolutionary)

Posted in Mapping Campaign on Roll20:

– Grell estate (main floor and grounds; upper/lower levels)

Session 25 Experience and Summary

Session 25 Experience and Summary

Upon return to Manheim, the party come under assault from Vorigan’s servants, a swarm of bats dropping skeletons right into the city. Seeing that the vampire needs dealing with once and for all, they wait only for Otiben to finish training, before making for the Many Mouths once more.

 – Driven batty: The party

 – Holidays shmolidays, let’s fight!: Embrek Forbolson

 – Exploding Enemies: Otiben

Items and Money


 – Thogi’s Shortsword (Damaged)


 – Sack of Giant Bats (5)

 – Sack of Normal Bats (24)

 – Sack of Skull Shards (10)

 – New Canoes

 – Clerical Scrolls (Crafted by Zho Ni)

 – Plant Matter from a Shambling Mound

 – 20GP, 30SP, 70CP

 – Deep Purple Gemstone

 – White/Pale Blue Gemstone (Obviously Moonstone)

 – Rusty Sword

Total XP: 21XP

Monsters Slain

 – 7 Superior Skeletons, 1700XP

 – 5 Giants Bats, 41XP

 – 24 Bats, 24XP

 – Shambling Mound, 1075XP

Total XP: 2840XP

Combatants: 9

Experience Each (Inc. Bryn and Embrek): 316XP

The Mine’s Assets

All the miner’s have returned to Manheim for the holidays.

 – Mithril ore has been completely dug out and awaits appraisal.

The Fighting Ring

– 11th-18th Rosenur: 10GP, 5SP, 7CP

– 19th-26th Rosenur: 18GP, 4SP, 7CP

Total Profits Uncollected: 41GP, 9SP, 14CP

Experience Roundup

Total Party Experience: 2861XP

Per PC: 321XP

With Bonus: 353XP

Otiben: Fighter-176XP/Assassin-160XP


Session 25 December 11, 2016

Session 25 December 11, 2016

The party returns to Mannheim in the early evening of the 21st. Zho ni visits the church to procure scroll supplies before joining the rest of the party at the Freelancers guild to spend the night.

The next morning, as the party is traveling to the docks to purchase canoes for the portage through the Many Mouths, a small colony of bats bomb their path with several skulls that burst into augmented Skeletal Warriors as they land. The skeletons split into squads of skirmishers and archers and join the giant and swarming bats in assaulting the party. Most of the public flee the scuffle. Those that loiter witness Zho ni send all of the skeletons packing and the rest of the party slay the fearless bats.

The band pursue the skeleton’s wake through the city. The city guard dispatched a single skeleton and those guards mopping up joined our pursuit when we explained our intent. The surviving skirmishers are found with their backs to the river docs engaged with city guards who make way when the party rushes in. When the last skirmishers falls, the archers emerge from the water and fall to our blows. The defeated skeletons leave only the skulls, their bodies dissolve into nothing. Zho ni collects the skulls in a sack and crushes them to avoid further animation. Its hoped the shards might be useful later.

Otiben convinces the party to spend a week in Mannheim to train as a Hero. The night before he begins, we are summoned to appear before the Thane. He expresses his concern that it has been about a month since we were tasked to fix the Many Mouths and the recent attack gives a real sense of urgency. We explained the success of our first investigation and how we learned Vorigan was a greater threat than we could have handled. After explaining the steps we have taken to better overcome the challenge, we promise to set out as soon as Otiben is a hero. The Thane explains Randolph’s status as an independent when we try to coerce a sponsorship from him to augment Otiben’s skills.

On the night of the 27th, Embrek arrives at the Freelancer’s Guild. His good tidings are that the Mithril vane was excavated, secreted away and awaits smelting. Since the Yuletide is imminent, he and the other miners have left to celebrate. He begs leave to visit with old friends and families which Zho ni grants gladly. But his heart changes when Zho ni explains the Necropolis assault commences on the morrow. Embrek is geared for action the next morning.

Our trip down the River Dross passes easily. After a night at the Urdjan Knight Ironclad, the party sets off for the Necropolis. During our march, a giant slimy moss covered mound of moving plants lifts from the mire. It bears down on the party under a hail of arrows, flaming oil, bolts of pure energy and Urman’s fiery airburst. After its monstrous limbs yank Batukahn and Embrek off their feet and into its brambles, Otiben delivers a most skillful backstab, allowing us to save the two before they suffocate. We find a few trinkets in its remains then set off for the Necropolis again.

Treasure Gained, Session 134 (12/7/16)

Treasure Gained, Session 134 (12/7/16)

– Former Estate of Arden Grell: 25,000XP

– Wine Cellar: 270 Bottles (Vintages from 5 to 35 years)

– World Map (Pre-Rebellion against Dragon Emperor)

– Vargen Map (Current as of a year ago)

– Sewer Map (Map of the Official Layout)

– Star Maps (Current, for navigation purposes)

PC Shares of XP: 5000XP


Book-keeping Notes, Session 134 (12/7/16):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 134 (12/7/16):

– We will start at 6AM on the 24th of Tanrilden with the party preparing to Midmark aboard the Jolly Gorgon for the Vargen.

– Professional Conflict Mediator: Edan the Calming

– Professional Conflict Initiator: Chuq the High-Strung

– Often Found Holding Chuq’s Hand: Ronan the Secure in his Masculinity

– Sees a Future in Olive Oil Import or Monkey Funerals: Thorfus the Savvy

– Relieved the Group is Finally Heading after Kottar: Axel the Focused

– Thinks the Group’s Ready to Build Rocket Engines: Kalgunn von Braun

– Still Counting towards Oblivion: The Dwarven Clock (!)
