Alenostran Spiritualism

Alenostran Spiritualism

Whilst the pantheon under Fyor and Donaria is generally considered the main religion within Alenostr, it is not the only one, nor was this always the case. With beginnings from the early days of the old Orc Kingdoms, Spiritualism, that is the worship of the myriad spirits of the realm, has persisted and still sees a large number of adherents.

Spiritualism lacks the central order and congregations the churches imparts on its followers and so is observed in many different fashions. This includes sects who believe that the Gods are ‘merely’ Great Spirits, rather than deific entities. In the current age, the religion remains strong in the Northlands and Steppe, with smaller sects in Odagard and Falstad. In general, this means that Spiritual Clerics are far, far rarer than their more traditional counterparts, and many that would otherwise have the talent tend to become Druids, or else village shamen with very little in the way of Divine powers.

(Note: Many practices would bring to mind pagan and Wiccan practices, to cite real world examples.)

Despite the differences in observance, all sects honour the spirits of the lands, praying to them for guidance, protection and aid. This can be the Spirits of the Earth for bountiful crops or Spirits of the Winds for favourable winds. Generally, anything considered ‘natural’, from small stones to the moon and stars are considered to have associated spirits, and the older and larger such things are, the more powerful they are considered to be. (Great Mountains will generally have associated spirits, for example.)

Notably, the religion as it existed within the Orcish Kingdom remains strong in some areas. This version differed in that they would also elevate heroes and other influential individuals or groups to status after death, much in the way of Saints. Some of these are noted below.

– Gruumsh: A Great Orc Warrior King. Known as ‘The One Eye”, he came to power in a time of strife but led his people to victory and conquest over the Drow. He is worshipped as a great warrior spirit, and many Orcs and Halforcs call upon his spirit to guide them in battle.

– The Beshaba: Little is known about the origins of these trickster spirits, only that they are said to be the souls of a band of female Orc harlequin assassins. In modern times, they are the patrons of assassins, and are prayed to avoid misfortune or to invoke on those or deserve it.

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