Session 153

Session 153

27th masrilden

Landing in Midmark. we scanned the waters below. looking for the ware shark. with no lights in sight.

we found out way to the port. and were sent to the island port for repairs.

as we came into port at Midmark, we saw the roof of the cathedral was collapsed

dock worker Terric shows up and mentions the dragon attack, and how half the town went mad

two grey cloaks show up Saerus and Bardol with clipboard in hand. to see where we came from and to inform us of

the city lock down.

Thorfus produces the Keepers of the counsel letter. and they changed their tune. letting us know,

we can come and go as we please. but to be careful about going out at night.

we also talked to Saerus and Bardol about getting the barge fixed, and they assured us we had the Midmark navy’s

engineers at our disposal.

then Thorfus asks them about the possible use of a forge for the night. they think about and decide to take Thorfus and

invisible Edan to the forge on the island owned by Khalida.

once there, Khalida agrees to let Thorfus use the forge for the next 12 hours. Thorfus pays her in gems.

While the grey cloaks and the dock workers were off getting favors done, Chuq and Ronin, slip off the side of the ship

into the lovely tar-water. they make their way across the bay, noticing that there is no buzzing to be heard. a little

strange considering we usualy cant get a mile from Midmark without the devil fish contacting us.

as Chuq and Ronin make their way up the canal to the Mill Ronin rented, they stop and notice, the main doors to the mill are boarded up.

Ronin panics and swims through the cave into the basement of the mill. as they surface his fear is realized, the Sub is Gone!.

Chuq and Ronin climb out of the water to investigate. slipped under the side door is a note. Chuq reads it, it says.

“To the Keepers of the Council: Our master has decreed it time to leave Midmark, but he wanted you to know that the

High Priestess Dracul the Merenderite has your missing property (taken before the holiday week unpleasantness). He wishes you luck in its recovery and – speaking of recent events – asks that you pass along his greetings to his

elderly relation. Safe travels until the world cracks and cities flood,

Owayne “

Ronin instantly thinks of the Nosy Neighbor. and head over to his house to question him.

Ronin checks the door but its locked. so he Knocks. after a few times they hear movement on the other side.

the neighbor on the other side of the door says i have nothing of value go away.

Ronin says please open the door its your neighbor. finally coaxing him to open the door. Ronin questions him about

having seen anything happen next door. he tells Chuq and Ronin about the mill owner going mad and his wife having to kill him.

but he hasn’t seen any other strange things next door. Ronin takes his word for it and they leave. Chuq says do you really believe him. and Ronin says well do you want to go rough him up. Chuq and Ronin decide to wait until later to

quest the neighbor again.

Thorfus Locks the door to the forge and lets out the one Monkey, dumps the Parts on the floor and tells the monkey to

Rebuild one Monkey. over the course of the night a total of 4 monkeys are complete with the forging needed for the last monkey.

Khalida knocks on the door at sunrise and asks if they are done and thorfus says a few more hours.

While Thorfus and the monkeys worked. Edan Transcribed parts of the Blueprints in case they need to trade the information. Edan copied the Schematics for the flying ship.

Chuq and Ronin make their way to the gambling house to talk to Garthrum.

Rolph at the bar Greets Ronin, and Ronin has Chuq stay with Rolph,

as Ronin meets with Garthrum, he tells him of his problem and asks fr any info he might have

Garthrum has none. so Ronin proposes a deal information on the trade embargo st on Vargen.

in turn Garthrum will find out what warehouses the temple might own.

Ronin heads downstairs to grab Chuq and be on there way, when Chuq mentions a drink he invented called.

{i forget what it was called}

Ronin takes a quick shot, and the two head out.

Making their way to the Mansion.

The mansion looks good grass mowed vines and bushes cut back.

So Chuq and Ronin head over to Thortons mansion,

and notice it is heavily guarded, so they decide to head back to the barge,

after they arrive Thorus and Edan show up. with 4 monkeys.

The Group Finds the Skiff they were offered and take it across the bay. during that time Chuq and Ronin

Tell them what they found out.

the group lands the skiff at a small Dock on the western side of Midmark. have some small talk with some fishermen they previously met.

Then head over to the armorer. to check on the diving suits that Ronin left with them.

the suits are finished and the conversation leads to all the deaths in the neighborhood.

the Clothes maker and the clock Maker and his wife to name a few. the group hails a carriage and heads over to

Thortons fathers house. to talk about what he knows of the plague.

He didn’t know much. but he did inform us about the map maker and Em.

so we make our way to the map makers house.

Young Lanlith opens the door. and tells us about his father. and that Em had gotten the sickness.

and she was taken to the Keepers Castle.

we give our condolences and let him know, he can go back yo work when he feels better.

So we all jump back into a carriage and head to Thortons Estate.

Stopped by the Grey cloaks. we show our papers and are let right through. and escorted to the front door.

We are called up to Thortons Office.

Where Thorton hastily cleared his desk, He greets us,

Jarden then accuses us of the Plague.witch we quickly turn around .

assuring him we had nothing to do with it.

We make a deal with Jarden for his blood we will trade him Blue prints for the flying ship.

he has to think on this and has us wait at the Old Grell estate, that we have yet to Rename….

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