
Session 174 October 25, 2017

2:30 am 4th of Onrilden below the Necropolis

AD Clock

The group prepares their assault by inventorying and allocating resources. The modern power armors and lightning axes offered by Kalgunn are apportioned. Before taking flight in a skiff, another skiff is set on a breakneck collision course towards the eastern quadrant of the giant stalagmite looming 150′ above the staging floor. The makeshift missile plummets on target, just where a circumference long mezzanine cuts the stone of the stalactite. Edan pilots our skiff to the western quadrant opposite the crash site. A goodly sized force of Islander undead, power armored fighters and man sized warrior automaton are guarding the western ledge.

A fight breaks out, both sides knowing full well the mortality of the confrontation. Edan brings the skiff along the outside balcony edge where flames, lightning and arrows are exchanged with deadly effect. Two sorties of electrical orb automaton flank the skiff fore and aft. The aft sortie targets the skiff’s bank of batteries with their lightning bolts. Recognizing the danger of losing all power while hovering, Edan lands the skiff on the exposed ledge to save the party from an unexpected plummet. Prixilthalmus leaps into the air assuming her dragon form. Her tactic panics the lower echelon of Islander fighters who flee north and south.

The assault moves north and east after the skiff lands. Scouting northward, Bavmordo sees a group of fighters, automatons and Xeno Tel clerics approaching. Prix enlarges Bav who lurks to ambush the new group while Nash and Wednesday move to form a norther line of defense against this new group. Kalgunn rips open a large hatch that shows an Overseer control room crowded with more automatons and undying warriors. Rallion and Edan organize Sturloc and Kotar to defend Lambertus from the horde in the Overseer chamber as Lambertus floods the room with flames from the skiff’s starboard armament. Kalgunn does his best to hold off the foes flying to the south targeting the skiff’s bank of batteries.

The clamor of more unseen forces can be heard from within the Overseer’s chamber as well as foes approaching from the southern edge of the balcony. The party fights on…

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