SESSION 206 – June 6, 2018

SESSION 206 – June 6, 2018

We finished off the undying in the area and sought to secure it.

We learned that the stairs up are blocked and full of undying, so another plan, perhaps climbing or levitate is needed to get the outer door opened.

It turns out that the chief of the splinter group of the Ironhand clan killed Marchmain and put the cube from inside his skull into the console on the ship, and Marchmain now IS the ship.

Marchmain needs us, as repairs are incomplete. We have what we believe are plans and this location appears to have the gear we need. We think that with what has been done, and the help of the two engineers, that we can shave 3 days off our estimate to get the ship off the ground. (Marchmain wants to replace Xenotel and the sphere was his method to do that. So competing dwarves want to be the god in orbit and keep our the other dwarves that are reinforcements.)

We learned that there is some creature living in the water tank and it has taken over the minds of some dwarves sent for supplies, when the other dwarves were gathering supplies, they found him doing the same, and trying to get to the “Master.”

While on watch, Rallion saw a portal open up and Rallion was fighting in a terrible battle along side Thorfus and Axel, and one of our batteries with a single charge was drained and lit up at Thorfus’ side. Then the portal closed. It appeared to be a close fight, and this might be the difference needed to win.

We review the ship and determine what appears to be working, etc.

We think we have a plan.

Laris and Bavmorda make plans to attempt to train while the ship is repaired.

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