SESSION 217 – September 5, 2018

SESSION 217 – September 5, 2018

We do our training, get new skills, and receive many gifts.

Acid rain destroys crops and the undying field workers and disfigures the statues of the “gods”. On the second day after training, we take advantage of the 30 minute respite in the rain to check on Axel and he and the spider are fine.

Sylvanus makes each of us a nanocarbon shield, and gifts each of us with a healing potion, and a total of 60 rounds for our beam weapons.

Kauri and Laris get their second most wanted spell and are promised their most wanted spells if they make sure their owl teacher survives.

We all study the theory of shadow stepping, and are cautioned against its use, as there are many DVLs and Daemons waiting to follow someone out. The Silence were working to free them as part of their religious movement that hoped for a Savior to set them free, who one of their number called Bavmorda.

Bavmorda asks Xentellar to sharpen the probability sword.

Prixithalma is checking the code in the cube and determines that Serithaz transmitted it faithfully, and it disappears. Sylvanus erased it. Only when we suggest a balanced council does he restore all but the part that will destroy this place. A product of the corrupted version of Prix’s virus sent by her husband, as he wanted to ensure magic persisted for everyone.

Eventually, we settle on a council of 3 – Prix, who made a copy of herself, Kalgun, and Serithaz. Kauri used two lightning bolts to transfer first Kalgun, and then Serithaz into the cube. Prix checked and all three are there complaining about personal space. So we went with the prophecy that requires the consort, liar, and mad king.

The helm is now free of Serithaz and most likely any copies he made.

Midway through training, scouts report in that we are surrounded by hundreds of automaton. Sylvanus calls upon the citizens of Elysium to create a diversion, so we can escape, get Axel and head toward our goal. About 50 or 60 indicate they will give their lives for the diversion. The automatons cannot pass the ring of standing stones, so within we are safe, but prevented from reaching our goal.

Nash weeps as he wants to finish his training, but the others point out that time is short.

Tomorrow marks one year since Thorfus Ironhand, Axel Rhomkul, Galron the paladin, Ir’Alle the Human cleric of Xenteller, Sthorm the thief, and Uthruk the half-orc first sailed into Midmark. Perhaps Galron, Sthorm, adn uthruk yet live….

0 Replies to “SESSION 217 – September 5, 2018”

  1. Antony Nicklin, it is pretty amazing — although, true to form, the group managed to finish the session without letting the calendar tick over from the 30th to the 1st of Tenrilden. You guys are milking this year for everything it’s got!

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