Some Quick Notes about the People & Places Spreadsheet:

Some Quick Notes about the People & Places Spreadsheet:

1. I will read through the document carefully and make select corrections; these corrections will only be for things that I feel were misunderstood because of poor description on my part or the nature of playing a RPG online. I will not correct faulty impressions, lies that were believed, or other ‘mistakes’ of which both players and character would not be aware. In other words, just because I don’t change it doesn’t guarantee that it’s true.

2. As I posted earlier, I think editing the document going forward should be done online via the Google spreadsheet app for Google Drive. It’s not as powerful or pretty as Excel, but we’re not messing with formulas anyway and the benefit in terms of tracking changes and maintaining a consistent copy-of-record despite multiple contributors seem worthwhile.

3. I’ve decided that XP rewards for entries will be the same as before — any substantive new entry or revision to an existing entry will be worth 10xp * character level. For compiling the initial document from the previous entries and summaries, I’m awarding Ray’s character 500xp. If you add new entries or revise existing ones, post a comment to the People & Places section listing the relevant entries to receive your XP reward.

4. I’ve removed Ray’s original post since the link seems to point to the old version of the spreadsheet rather than the most recent. I will post a permanent link to the document in a separate post and in the “About” post with the link to the character sheet folder.

Let me know if you see any problem with these guidelines.

0 Replies to “Some Quick Notes about the People & Places Spreadsheet:”

  1. Okay; I’ve gone through the entries and made corrections (within the boundaries listed in the post above). There are many posts that can be expanded upon, though, if people are looking for experience — many of these are posts related to older events that became more fleshed out by subsequent events. Talisin and Em, for instance, jumped out as incomplete. There are also significant figures from earlier sessions (like Jarden) with no entry at all.

  2. Well, hopefully I haven’t been too generous. I think not, though, since the private copy of the spreadsheet I’ve made with the “real” information should help me keep things straight. It was just about getting to be too much to keep inside my head.

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