Session 42 (The Perfect Session)

Session 42 (The Perfect Session)


The party grabs breakfast to go as the coachman from the prior night arrives to take us to the ship.

We had a slight detour to visit the mage Parnell Fellette to get the adamantium cube identified. It is of ancient dwarven make and matches the description of the dwarf Daern. It is some soft of magical fortress that one can cause to come into being, if we only learn the activation word. The mage offers to be a broker to sell it for us. We decline. Thorfus, Axel, and Brice all agree that we should keep it. Thorfus REALLY likes the idea of having a fortress should be go tromping in the jungle again.

While the rest of the party is getting the cube identified, Chuq stops off at the temple to give a donation and inquire as to other monks and let them know he will be gone an unknown amount of time. Chuq meets us in time to load up in the coach to go to the harbor.

We go to the harbor and go to the prison and learn that word had just made it to the prison to stop them cremating the body of Rotho Waterman. Thorfus asks if there are any prisoners named Em or who match her description. None in the past couple of months.

We arrive and meet the man in charge and stop at the crematorium. We see a badly bruised and beaten body with evidence of a rope mark on the neck mixed in with other bruises. He appears to have broken ribs. He has no tattoos or signs of broken arms and no dislocated shoulders. Chuq does a search of his mouth and nose and then a DRE, all with no results.

We then see the body put in the furnace.

We ask to see the cell and the cell window is not high enough for Rotho to have hung himself and broken his neck, he would have strangled. We suspect murder, but nothing points to any single person.

Chuq searches the mattress and finds a purse inside with 47 gold pieces.

We don’t find any lose stones or secret doors, etc.

We go back to the harbor and get on the Bawdy Bachelor captained by Amis Junkyn. 

We ask about New Town and it is very bad and word is it won’t be a town in a couple months. Some of the clerics sent to deal with it are now fighting  for the other team as undead. It sounds like a sickness rather than magic, or is it ancient dwarven technology?

A few hours later we get to Kaligan and the small harbor has only fishing boats. We dock and learn that a man rode into town hired a boat to go out to the Dusty Gnome and it left, with no positive direction.

The two fishermen we question then let slip that the cargo of people were kept in the old imperial fortress. The walls and towers look rough, but when we go to investigate, the keep looks sturdy. We found the barracks and stable empty. The barracks has obvious coins on the floor. We decide to finish checking the rest of the fort before looting the foot lockers.

We passed two warehouses on the way to the fort, and decided to check them after we checked the fort.

We enter the outer door of the keep and are inside the entryway. The arrow slits and murder holes do not have people on the other side.

This is where we left off. Will our intrepid adventurers continue their streak of no injuries, no knock outs, and no deaths? Is there even a fight brewing inside the keep. 

Will we find any of Grell’s Lambs? Will we stumble upon Em?

Do we have a chance to catch the Dusty Gnome?

0 Replies to “Session 42 (The Perfect Session)”

  1. Rolling Riceball Google hangouts and G+ were acting very weird last night; Antony and I were getting a whole bunch of 500 errors when trying to load the campaign page — and it took me a bunch of tries to log into the hangout. I invited everyone at least a dozen times, but I did wonder if the technical problems were preventing people from receiving them.

  2. Follow Me, And Die! And that’s a 600xp bonus for Thorfus — keeping in mind that we decided last night that bonuses for summaries and people/places notes also count as discounts on training costs (i.e., Thorfus only needs to pay 5,400GP to train to fifth level; 6000 – 600).

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