SESSION 149 March 29, 2017

SESSION 149 March 29, 2017

8:15 PM 4th day of Holiday

On side of mountain, Chuq & Thorfus attempt to face the “wind”.

Glavnung calls it a wind devil and they protect their territory, the top of mountains. We flee, it follows for a ways, but does not attack.

We see Marientaxus inthe distance and use the Starchy badge to signal. He lands and we explain the situation. He agress to bring Glavnung along.

Suddenlty 3 lightning bolts from 3 draw hit Marientaxus. We fire our bows, and Mireintasus breathes lightning and drops one.

One of the two that remains, appears to cast continual light on the ground, but it is actually a portal. Several drow emerge and Edan casts ice storm and some fall and are injured, with one falling to his death.

An unnaturally tall dwarf in power armor follows behind the drow. He has a glowing gem somewhere on his head. A voice from the broachy talky again invites Thorfus to join him. He flips a switch and then there are four of him with a sword like that.

Glavnung flees downhill. We managed to all reach Marientaxus who flies us back to his mountain.

Ronan is healed but wakes thinking we are demons, and he strikes down Belisente, who we rush to aid. Thorfus grapples Ronan and Ronan is bound.

We begin to discuss our options, and plan to leave the mountain tomorrow.

We found that the broachy talky allows the mad king to talk to us, but not see us.

Edan tries to ask Kalgun a question, but Kalgun is not there. Did he go into the dragon, another magical device, an undying?

Marientaxus, Kottar, and Prixathalma will go in one direction, and the rest of use plan to go to the illusionists, and train, and perhaps get modifications.

There will be much to discuss in coming days….

NOTE: John asked that we resolve where we are going and who is delivered to which location by Marientaxus here on the G+ Community page for the campaign.

0 Replies to “SESSION 149 March 29, 2017”

  1. Note: The specific questions I think need to be addressed before next week’s session are:

    1) Is the party going to Jaegger’s for healing, training, and BioForging immediately? Does anyone want to argue for a different destination?

    2) How does everyone feel about Serithaz and the skull cap? Does he stay with the party or go with Myrientaxus/Kottar/Prixithalma for safe-keeping?

    3) Less immediately pressing: What does the party plan to do about the disappearance of Kalgunn? Anyone want to throw out other theories about his fate?

  2. 1) I think the only other potential right now would be the cloning facility. Jagger is probably the safer option, due to his resources… So long as we can keep the friendly facade and alliance.

    2) I kind a feel leaving them with Myrientaxus and Araquiel is the better option. Serithaz has proven detrimental to the party, and now they know the prophecy, at least with two pieces they can make a go at saving the world if we fail. Additionally, it prevents us losing another piece if we go after Kalgunnn.

    3) Kalgunn kinda has to be a priority. I missed part of the session, so who knows? Someone mentioned an electrical charge, which would be most likely, and could have transferred him into some device within Glavnone. The more terrifying option is the Dark King somehow jacking him in our brief encounter.

  3. So, is it safe for me to assume for planning purposes the following:

    1) The party is heading to Jagger’s Tower for augmentation and training from Myrientaxus’s Lair (the near side of the mountain ring around Jagger’s domain is a very easy hop-skip-and-jump for the dragon in terms of ferrying the party down in groups of four)

    2) Myrientaxus is heading north into the deeper wilds of the Mikhel Peaks with Kottar, Prixithalma’s body, and Serithaz’s skull cap to hide from the Dark King

    3) The majority opinion on Kalgunn is that he was lost in the Dragon Forge when Edan was shocked and may/may not still be there (it sounds like the party plans to move on for now without him?)

  4. We should work out what we are doing before the game. If Kalgunn is somehow back at the forge, we’ll need a lot more oomph than we had the first time we went in. For example, how do we take out the T-1000 style automata?

    Realistically, I don’t see how we can go back in and find him. If he’s not inside Edan’s mind, we’ll need another electric shock to transfer him to something portable. If he is in something portable, there’s no telling if he’ll go with us.

    How do we know he won’t spill his guts about what he knows about our plans, and work with the Dark King?

    Short of letting Serithaz read Edan, or seeing if Kalgunn is in another magic item of Edan’s I’m not sure what to do. We should rule that out before leaving. And make sure not in an item or the mind of anyone else affected by the traps on the cube.

    I suspect he could be in one of the fire giant automatons. If so, would the Dark King know this?

    Edan could probably shrink himself and go in invisibly and snoop around, but that is also dangerous. If he got in trouble, how would we know?

    Perhaps if we can get Prixithalma raised, we stand a chance to get Kalgunn back. We should focus on the things that are the easiest to achieve.

    If we fail at bringing back Prixithalma, then it might be time to volunteer with the Dark King….

    Saving throws, if failed, at Jagger’s, for those seeking modification, will also be a setback. If both Thorfus and Axel fail, we lose institutional memory. I’d play a new character with a lot of tongue biting on my end, to avoid saying and doing things out of character. Out of character I would indicate if it is in session summaries or not, to my knowledge.

    I’m very leery of subjecting Thorfus to that, but the chance at 10 more HP is enticing. Another level as fighter will not affect attacks or saves. Only the added strength will improve chance to hit but not damage, unless attempting for 2 additional points of strength.

    I guess the question is, will going for an 18 strength give a chance at exceptional strength? I don’t recall if we discussed that last session.

  5. Regarding exceptional strength, I decided last session that each “tier” on which the hit/damage bonuses change will count as one Bioforging attempt (I don’t have my book in front of me right now, but I think the first of these tiers goes all the ways up to 18/40 and the last is only 18/00).

  6. Up to 18 is normal; after 18, each step that changes either hit or damage bonus counts as an augmentation. So, 16 > 17 is a step, 17 > 18 is a step, 18 > 18/49 is a step, and 18/49 to the top of the next grouping is a step. Really, the specific percentages don’t matter too much if the effects stay the same so I can’t justify making each step between 18/01 and 18/00 an augmentation.

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