SESSION 179 – November 29, 2017

SESSION 179 – November 29, 2017

Rallion is missed by Finkleworm.

Serithaz can tell someone is in there, but is blocked by “something” very powerful.

Rallion ran to the door to the West towards the orbital control room. Prixithalma, Edan, and most others followed.

Nash tried to pull Sturloc away, but being in power armor, he is unmoved.

Sturloc is killed and Nash sacrifices his shield to survive.

Bavmorda drinks a potion of flying and diminution adn they are both effective, but at half power. Bavmorda flies up to Edan and takes his blocking circlet and the adamantine Khel cube and flies into the maw of the giant automaton.

Nash drinks a healing potion.

All others head West and find blast doors. Edan picks the lock of one, and we move forward.

Bavmorda gets a circlet on Finklemur’s head, but the worm keeps moving. Bavmorda gets the cube to open as the worm follows the bulk of the party, and opens it to destroy the worm and the Khel.

Nash does not think he can get through, so goes East towards the Lord Marshall’s quarters.

Bavmorda goes to check on Nash. The two of them get to the door of the Lord Marshall’s quarters and detect no traps, but hear a buzzing noise. Out of caution,they pull back and Nash fires an arror to open the door, and fire lashes out. Standing in the doorway is a beserker with more automata behind. Bac and Nash fire arrows to close the door and try to get to us by going around, but there is no path, other than to return to the lounge and crawl up the exit of the rock crusher of the worm.

While they are busy doing this, the rest of us are in a fight for our lives. We surprised the orbital control room, they were not expecting us. Rallion charges one overseer, and Lambertus the other. Sittung is there, and still whole, and cowers in a corner. We do serious damage, but do not overcome them. We win intitiative and the next round we fell the overseers, and move into the room to get out of the way of Prixithalma. Prisithalma is knocked down by two undead giants who both hit, and the undying swarm her body making sure that she is dead. Edan plans to cast ice storm, but is felled by an undead fire giant. Kottar/Araquel is also felled. Rallion and Lambertus all expect to fight to the death.

Bavmorda and Nash arrive and help turn the tide of battle. Rallion had nearly felled the fire giant he face, as had Lambertus. Nash fells the fire giant facing Rallion, and Bavmorda helps Lambertus fell another fire giant.

Just as the third fire giant approaches Rallion, Sittung decides to join in our fight. Sittung distracts the fresh undead fire giant, and we manage to clean up many of the undying.

Sittung is hit hard, but he drops the undead fire giant, and helps us clean up the undying.

We look around, amazed to still live. Sittung agrees to help us. He has been trying to crack the orbital defenses for first Marchmain, and now the Silverthrone.

Lambertus tries to reach Kalgun in his cube, but fails. Sittung notices there is something in it.

Rallion closes the door and quickly quaffs a healing potion. He was mostly unscathed until this last fight. (Three 20’s from undying. He sacrificed his shield to a blow from a giant.

Nash is talking to Serithaz to get all the copies he has made put into automata to make an army to fight the evil dwarves.

Rallion suggests pusing the bodies of Edan and Kottar through the portal, and any valuables we can scrounge.

Shocked and hurt, we wonder if we can live long enough to exit this hellish place.

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